
3 Claves para relajarse en momentos de estrés
Nowadays, it is common to experience periods of stress that hinder our calm and well-being. If they continue over time, they could trigger negative consequences for our health, more or...
beneficios de entrenar con peso
Weight training has long been questioned as an activity that develops muscles in an excessive way. Some people have associated it only with men and others, due to lack of...
Diferencias entre Pilates máquinas y Pilates suelo
Many people who want to start the Pilates method wonder about the differences between Pilates machines and Pilates on the floor. Although it is true that both were created by...
rueda abdominal
To achieve the abdomen of your dreams, you will need to implement a series of techniques that focus on deep work in the area. Remember that healthy habits, mainly a...
peso muerto
A few days ago we talked about deadlifts and the great benefits that their practice brings. This exercise is part of the basics of any training, as is the case...
aumentar exigencia del entrenamiento
We often set ourselves challenges, but once we achieve them, we settle into the comfort of a routine that requires no effort . It is very common to fall into...