
There are many options for training in an entertaining way that provides us with dynamism and motivation. In addition to the multitude of disciplines adapted to different tastes and needs,...
3 Deportes contra el insomnio
Lack of sleep greatly hinders the optimal performance of those who suffer from it. Enjoying an adequate rest routine is essential for the body to function normally. There are various...
volver a la rutina
We welcome September, the month of getting back into the routine and getting down to work on new goals. Summer is a time to disconnect, change our habits and enjoy...
Consejos para activarse cuando no hay tiempo para entrenar
Lack of time is the most common excuse for not being active. Work schedules, along with other obligations, sometimes prevent us from carrying out our “ideal routine.” However, staying in...
entrenador personal
Having the advice of a personal trainer is an excellent option that more and more people are choosing. It is an important decision with great advantages for various reasons. Whatever...
nadar en el mar
Swimming is an excellent activity due to the great and comprehensive benefits it provides. By practicing it regularly, we can experience a great development of flexibility, resistance and strength, among...