Benefits of swimming in the sea

Aug 24, 2020AMIX STORE
nadar en el mar

Swimming is an excellent activity due to the great and comprehensive benefits it provides. By practicing it regularly, we can experience a great development of flexibility, resistance and strength, among many other aspects. Swimming in open water has some particularities that distinguish it from swimming in the pool and that can offer you a wide range of new sensations . Do you know the benefits of swimming in the sea?

Summer is the ideal time to practice outdoor sports, especially those that take place in the sea. Although this year we have faced a different summer, given the “new normal”, those who have the opportunity to go to the beach should not miss it. The benefits of swimming in the sea are not only experienced on a physical level, but also on a mental and emotional level, as is the case with the vast majority of sports activities. For this reason, trying such a complete discipline can be an excellent idea, not only with the aim of working physically, but also to find fun, disconnection and inner peace.

Open water swimming, are you up for it?

Swimming in the sea is very different from swimming in a pool. The sea is unpredictable and changeable, so each day of practice will be a new experience that will bring different sensations. Therefore, we must understand the importance of doing it in a controlled area and of increasing the intensity and the demand based on our progress. It is essential that we take some time to get started, even if we usually swim in the pool frequently. As we have said, the sea is changing and surprising and above all we must be cautious.

Knowing when the sea is calm or when it is no longer appropriate to dive in will help us reduce the risk of finding ourselves in trouble. Likewise, warming up with mobility exercises is essential. When we dive in, we must do so prepared and properly equipped. And now we are ready to reap the great benefits!

swim in the sea

Benefits of swimming in the sea

When swimming in the sea, it is important to bear in mind that training will be much more demanding than in the pool. We will encounter currents and waves and we must be aware that we will have to deal with different situations.

The muscular work will be greater, since we swim with a series of higher and unstable resistances. Consequently, the effects of the training will be very noticeable and evident, both in the most superficial aspect and in the development of our capacities.

There is a greater burning of calories because the wear and tear is greater. We are likely to feel tiredness and fatigue much sooner than we would in a calm pool. In this regard, we remind you to be cautious and not to go far from the shore.

Swimming in the sea is a very intense exercise that requires deep work. However, our joints do not suffer due to the lack of impact. Therefore, they also benefit from the activity.

It is possible to do it by adapting the effort to individual abilities and still gaining the great benefits. Therefore, people of all ages, even children accompanied by adults, can practice it.

On a mental and emotional level, swimming in the sea has a pleasant calming effect. It helps us release stress and accumulated tension and gives us a deep and long-lasting feeling of well-being afterwards.

It can be a very effective moment of disconnection that will increase calm and allow for quality rest afterwards.

Other benefits of swimming in the sea

Swimming in the sea is an excellent “game”, very healthy , and part of an active lifestyle.

In summer, with high temperatures, it is ideal because it is refreshing and comfortable.

The sea breeze has therapeutic effects for different respiratory pathologies and also promotes good health for our body.

It helps heal different skin conditions , maintaining its good condition and optimal recovery.

Exercising in a natural environment is a real medicine for the senses , which is why it is an excellent time for meditation.

Improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

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