Tips to get active when there is no time to train

Aug 27, 2020AMIX STORE
Consejos para activarse cuando no hay tiempo para entrenar

Lack of time is the most common excuse for not being active. Work schedules, along with other obligations, sometimes prevent us from carrying out our “ideal routine.” However, staying in motion is a basic necessity for taking care of our health and achieving normal body function. Discover these tips to get active when there is no time to exercise.

First of all, you should know that it is normal to not have time to train one day. We all have setbacks that can ruin the plans we had planned for the day. However, using this excuse, as a general rule, to lead a sedentary lifestyle is not a good idea! Those who want to do more than those who can and, except in special circumstances, it is always possible to find a moment each day to exercise . It is not a question of satisfying a whim, but of fulfilling a habit that brings endless positive sensations on all levels. The secret is in planning and discipline. Therefore, if one day you do not have time to train, do not settle for doing nothing, unless you need to rest, of course. Doing a little exercise a day, although it may not allow you to reach super ambitious goals, is better than doing nothing. Therefore, even if you cannot give it your all, move. We give you some tips to get active when you do not have time to train.

Tips to get active when there is no time to train

Are you sure you don't have time?

If you can foresee in advance that you won't have time to train, organise yourself the day before and find a time for yourself. Wake up a little earlier than usual or take your sports clothes with you to train during your break from work. You will discover that you can adapt your sports routine to your circumstances and you will see that, if you are committed to your goals, there will be no stopping you. If not, you can always train at home.

Better little than nothing

If you really have a tough day and you see that you won't have time to train, even though you want to, don't give up. Spending 20-30 minutes doing sports is better than sitting on the couch and doing nothing. So, instead of assuming that you don't have time to train, calculate how much time you will have and adapt your routine to it. It's okay to modify the training you had planned. Thirty minutes of abs will get your abs on fire. Do you think it's better to resign yourself to the fact that you haven't had time to complete it? No excuses!

Discover training without machines

Training without machines, using your own body weight, is becoming more and more popular. Some people think that this will not bring them results and decide to skip it. Bodyweight training works deeply and is really effective. In addition, one of the great advantages is the possibility of practicing it anywhere without having to go to the gym, sports halls or the street. Have you arrived home late? Take a break before showering and do a short half-hour workout. You will end the day with great satisfaction, well-being and pride.

Other tips to get active

Go for a half-hour jog or a brisk walk. Not only will you activate your body, but you will also relax, get a restful night's sleep and feel very satisfied.

Check out some quick workout routines that can serve as a guide and inspiration. We often think that we can't do anything worthwhile in half an hour, but you should know that nothing could be further from the truth.

Grab a jump rope and jump. This is an excellent cardio exercise that is entertaining, fun and also allows you to continually improve yourself due to the large number of jumping variations. Do you dare?

And you, do you exercise a lot but find it difficult to lose fat? Try complementing your sports plan with one of Amix's fat burners . Visit our Amix Store to discover a lot of supplements and add-ons to include in your sports plan.

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