
Práctica de running en cuarentena
The lockdown measures have finally been eased and we can resume some outdoor activities. Getting active again and including going out into the street in our routine can be very...
Relación entre cuarentena y vitamina D
One of the consequences that quarantine could bring about on a physical level is a vitamin D deficiency . Having optimal levels is essential for the body to be able...
La Creatina Potencia el Cerebro y el Rendimiento Deportivo
Creatine is good for the brain. Creatine , known for its role in muscle development, also improves brain function. A study from the University of Chichester, published in Aging, Neuropsychology,...
¿Qué es la creatina creapure? ¿Por qué creapure?
What does it mean that creatine is Creapure? Creapure® is a registered trademark of high-purity creatine monohydrate, manufactured in Germany by AlzChem Trostberg GmbH . It is recognized as the...