Relationship between quarantine and vitamin D

May 04, 2020AMIX STORE
Relación entre cuarentena y vitamina D

One of the consequences that quarantine could bring about on a physical level is a vitamin D deficiency . Having optimal levels is essential for the body to be able to perform its functions normally and do so correctly. Today we will tell you how to obtain this vitamin, as well as the symptoms that could suggest a deficiency.

Eating a proper diet is essential to enjoy good health. The body needs adequate levels of certain nutrients to function properly. Food is its fuel and the quality of our life depends on its quality.

In the case of vitamin D, something rather peculiar occurs. It is synthesized through sun exposure to 80%, with the remaining proportion acquired through the consumption of certain foods. Deficiency is quite common in the population, especially in places where there is less social affluence. It is also common in people whose lifestyle or work situation prevents them from being exposed to the sun regularly.

Quarantine and vitamin D deficiency

Fifty days have passed since the State of Emergency was declared in Spain and many people have not been able to expose themselves to the sun, since they do not have a terrace or balcony suitable for this. Therefore, it is possible that some may observe how their vitamin D levels are unbalanced . In this case, there are a variety of supplements that could be recommended, but not before, of course, being evaluated by a health professional. It would be appropriate, as far as possible, to open the windows and allow the sun's rays to shine directly on the skin for a few minutes. Therefore, if you can do it, do not hesitate, better little than nothing.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

The symptoms you may experience if you suffer from vitamin D deficiency are diverse and of varying intensity. Fatigue, weakness, depression or anxiety, as well as nervousness, apathy, insomnia or frequent sleepiness are symptoms associated with this vitamin deficiency. Lack of energy or malaise are also associated with it. On a physical level , muscle weakness or pain, cramps or tingling, bone pain, migraines or circulatory problems may appear, which could manifest as a sensation of coldness in the feet and hands, among others.

How can I get it?

As we have already mentioned, the main source of vitamin D is the sun. Therefore, if you have the possibility, expose yourself to it even for a few minutes. Now the confinement has been relaxed and we are allowed to go out occasionally within a certain time, which makes such exposure easier. It is also present in some foods such as eggs, avocado, cereals, dairy products, seafood or fatty fish such as tuna. You can also find enriched foods.

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