Running practice in quarantine

May 05, 2020AMIX STORE
Práctica de running en cuarentena

The lockdown measures have finally been eased and we can resume some outdoor activities. Getting active again and including going out into the street in our routine can be very beneficial to recover that breath that we were starting to lack. Today we give you some tips for running in quarantine. Have you already gone out for a run? Be responsible!

The evolution towards the “new normal” depends on our responsibility and capacity for empathy. Being aware of what we do and acting with collective thought is essential , both to protect ourselves and to protect others. It is time to get going and resume running, but not without first taking a series of basic measures. In addition, returning to running after almost two months of isolation not only exposes us to the possibility of new transmissions, but can put our body at risk of injury if we do not act wisely. Have you already taken your shoes out of the closet? Let's go!

Basic tips for running during quarantine

Strictly comply with the regulations stipulated by health authorities.

Pay attention to social distancing and if you think the streets are crowded, make the decision to stay home or change your schedule to do so more safely and calmly.

Wash your hands before and after going for a run.

During exercise time, avoid touching handrails or any non-essential objects.

If you are walking behind or in front of other people, try not to walk in line . The best option, in addition to keeping a safe distance, is to separate yourself from the side by one to two meters.

If you need to lean on something to stretch, try to wait until you get home to avoid contact with objects that other people have touched.

If you have symptoms of Covid-19 , do not leave home.

Tips for getting back to work without getting injured

Don't expect to resume the activity with the same intensity as you left it almost two months ago. Start with shorter and progressive sessions.

Reduce the time , pace and intensity of the race.

Do it in run-walk intervals if necessary until you feel able to recover the regular rhythm.

Walking at a brisk pace is also a great idea if you don't feel up to it. It will bring you great health benefits and reduce the risk of injury from impact.

Warm up before you start and stretch when you finish.

You don't have to run every day . Remember that running is allowed, but not required. It's normal to feel like going outside, but you also have the option of going for a walk to get some fresh air and get some sun, which is essential for optimal levels of vitamin D.

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