Tips for walking more throughout the day

Nov 04, 2020AMIX STORE
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Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential to improve our health. If you spend too much time sitting and feel that you are not moving your body enough, perhaps it is time to try to walk more throughout the day, in addition to complying with your weekly training routine. Reaching a minimum number of steps is essential to obtain certain benefits that take care of you from within, provide you with well-being, both physically and mentally, and increase your quality of life. Take note!

Why is it necessary to walk enough?

The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends taking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day, equivalent to 7 kilometers (although now there is talk of taking 15,000). A sedentary person will hardly be able to take 5,000 steps. Getting active and getting the body moving is a priority that we should not delay. Walking is an activity that can be carried out by anyone regardless of their age or physical condition. In addition to being able to adapt to each particular situation, it does not have a risk of impact so it does not pose a threat to the good condition of the joints in elderly people . While it is true that going from total inactivity to 10,000 steps should be done gradually, setting yourself a challenge is an excellent option to test your abilities and effectively improve your physical fitness and health.

Walking more throughout the day is not only about losing weight, but it is also possible to achieve this by taking into account distance and pace. In this case, of course, it is important to emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and other habits such as strength training (adapted to each situation) or resting. Walking enough on a regular basis is an excellent way to combat a sedentary lifestyle, obesity or diabetes, as well as prevent and treat heart problems or situations of depression and other psychological ailments. For all these reasons, any time is a good time to resolve to walk more throughout the day and contribute to improving health, increasing well-being and acquiring the positive sensations that come from taking a long walk.

walk more

Tips for walking more throughout the day

If you find it difficult to go for a walk because you find it boring, put on some music and take advantage of the opportunity to disconnect.

If you work many hours sitting, get up and take a short walk every 20 minutes or so.

An excellent idea is to leave the car or public transport and walk as much as possible. If you can't because of the distance, park further away than usual or get off a couple of stops earlier. This way you'll use the time to add steps to your counter.

While you are waiting for the bus, or have a break during any errand, do not wait sitting down, walk from one side to the other and give movement to your body , it will thank you!

Of course, no elevator! If you don't feel like climbing a few floors by stairs, it's definitely time to change your lifestyle.

More tips to achieve it

Go for a walk in the morning before you start your routine. It is an excellent time, as the environment remains calm, with a calm that will help you increase your energy to get through the day with greater productivity and vitality.

Organize a daily walk with your partner, friend or family member and take it as a personal challenge to meet. Although at first it may seem like a kind of obligation, it will soon feel like an unshakeable need.

Downloading an app to count steps , or getting a watch that does this, can be the motivation you need to check your progress.

Generally, you'll get more walking done throughout the day by being active. Save the couch time for the evening, or at weekends, and get moving. Rest is essential and you should make room for it, but by being active you'll feel more energized than if you spent the whole day on the couch . Experiment with this and see how your life improves in every way, simply by getting moving.

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