Tips to increase energy

Jun 02, 2020AMIX STORE
Tips para aumentar la energía

On many occasions we feel that we are truly unable to meet the expectations of the day. We want to meet all our obligations and, in addition, do so with a good face and excellent results. Being demanding with ourselves, without taking this demand to the extreme, can have very positive consequences. However, listening to our body is essential to know its needs and increase energy efficiently. Only in this way will we be able to cross the finish line satisfactorily and, above all, protect our health.

We usually set ourselves a variety of goals during the day and we become aware of the need to achieve them. We convince ourselves that if we do our best we will achieve them. Later we realize that during the day our body and mind seem to not respond to the demands and ask for a break. We don't feel strong enough to train, we feel an urgent need to rest and what remains of the day ahead seems like an uphill battle. There are several ways to increase energy and achieve that ability to get through all the tasks in good time. Below we will tell you some tips that will help you achieve this. Do you think you are fulfilling a series of healthy habits that allow you to increase your energy? Let's check it out!

need to increase energy

Tips to increase energy and achieve your goals

Realistic goals

It's one thing to have the ability to increase energy and another to work miracles. There is the possibility of increasing stamina and motivation throughout the day, but to do so, it is essential to set realistic goals. In this first step, you must plan exactly what tasks you must and want to do throughout the day. Set schedules and leave room for possible unforeseen events. Waking up and knowing in advance what you have to do and how much time you are going to dedicate to it allows you to release tension and reduce stress. If you still don't have the habit of keeping an updated agenda, do it. This will reduce headaches and, now, you will feel that you have an easier time fulfilling your goals.

Rest is allowed

We live immersed in the theory that rest is a waste of time. MISTAKE! Being an energetic and active person and exuding vitality is not incompatible with rest. In fact, this is a fundamental pillar of a healthy lifestyle and is essential to increase energy. When we rest, we allow our body and mind to reset and recharge. If at any time during the day you feel tired, stop and rest for a few minutes. Taking ten minutes to take a short nap, for example, is a healthy habit that can have better results than a big cup of coffee. Do you want to boast of being able to do everything with plenty of energy? Then start integrating small moments of rest into the day!

Quality food

Fortunately, we have foods that are true natural medicine, restorative and revitalizing. Rest is essential, as is nutrition. Combined, both habits are a powerful cocktail to increase energy. To perform physically and intellectually in moments of high intensity, it is necessary to choose foods rich in nutrients that provide a good dose of energy to the body. Pure chocolate, nuts, oily fish, avocados, dates, pine nuts, quinoa or infusions such as green tea can be an important shot of vitality.

Efficient sleep

Having good sleeping habits is essential for the body and mind to recover after an intense day and prepare to face a new one. Worries often prevent us from getting a restful sleep and this accumulates fatigue, making us less productive and emotionally weakened . A good routine involves having a light dinner in advance to promote digestion; reading, meditating or writing to promote relaxation; putting the mobile phone aside an hour before going to bed and not exposing yourself to the light of screens; planning the next day, as we have indicated in the first step… When we sleep well we feel happy, ready and with a lot of energy to face the day with motivation and good results.

Conclusions and other ways to increase energy

Plan your week by marking daily tasks and leaving time for unforeseen events. Let's be realistic so as not to give rise to frustration!

Rest is part of the daily routine, whether it be short naps, meditation time or any other method.

Nutrition is key. Eat fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water and ditch junk food.

Exercise , get active, get your body moving.

Make sure you have an efficient sleep routine instead of spending your nights worrying about things that you won't be able to solve at the moment.

Think about whether what you do is really necessary, whether you like the routine you have created and whether you would like to make any changes in your life. Any time is a good time to pursue your dreams.

If necessary and you feel a real lack of energy, consult a specialist who can assess other possible causes.

If you need to, you can opt for supplements that will boost your energy and help you meet your daily expectations. If you have any doubts, consult with experienced people.


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