5 Basics for your home gym

May 28, 2020AMIX STORE
material para un gimnasio en casa

The time of confinement has taught us many things. Among them, that excuses are worthless and that the ability to adapt is everything. Doing physical exercise is essential to keep our health in optimal conditions. Therefore, if we do not have the possibility of going to sports halls, setting up a small gym at home can be a good option . A large investment is not necessary and good results are guaranteed. Today we are talking about five basic elements with which you can get in shape without complications and effectively.

More experienced people who are looking for specific goals may feel limited if they don't go to the gym. However, in general, it is possible to exercise your body and acquire all the benefits of physical activity from home. Little by little, we are resuming the activities and routine we had before the appearance of the Covid-19 coronavirus. However, the new normal brings with it many changes. Some people, especially those with a risk factor, may feel unsafe going to places with more people or exposed to contagion. Although we must work on our minds to overcome it and understand that being cautious does not require being afraid, continuing with the activity from home is an excellent and very safe option. Below we will tell you about five basic sports equipment for your home gym. With them you can work your body on different levels in a very effective, healthy and noticeable way.

5 Basic Elements for Your Home Gym

Mat, essential in your home gym

Having a mat at home is essential to be able to do exercises comfortably. Both those aimed at toning and strengthening the muscles, as well as those aimed at stretching and relaxing the body, require this element. There are many exercises that are done from a horizontal position and carrying them out is complicated if we do not have a padded surface to absorb the weight.

Essential resistance bands

This is one of the most versatile and useful elements that we can find. Resistance bands are not only cheap and easy to handle, but they also offer great possibilities. You can find them with different levels of resistance, so that they adapt perfectly to your level and objectives. With them, you can work on strength, coordination or flexibility, among others.

Essential dumbbells for your gym

Having a set of dumbbells adapted to your physical condition allows you to actively and dynamically work your upper body. Having different weights will help you vary your training and check your progress as you gain strength . It is perfectly compatible to work with dumbbells and resistance bands, for example, for a complete and deep workout.

Rope for cardio work at home

It is advisable to have equipment that allows you to do cardio in your home gym. For this, a skipping rope would be very convenient. If you have the possibility of including a stationary bike or a treadmill, you will have more options. However, a good routine of skipping rope will be enough to speed up your heart rate, work on lung endurance and promote calorie burning. Be warned, skipping rope is addictive! Educate yourself on the correct technique and the different types of skipping. It can be a real challenge!

Fitball, instability in your home gym

The fitball is an instability material that is perfect for training the general musculature in depth. Certain exercises require the involvement of muscles that we usually do not work, so it can test your abilities and surprise you more than you think. In addition, it is an element that allows you to release all the accumulated tension, since its rounded shape adapts to the body allowing the weight to be discharged onto it. It promotes relaxation and optimal recovery after intense physical effort. Also, you should know that it is not only a complementary tool, but can be the center of an advanced level training. Creativity above all!

And you, what are you waiting for to introduce whey protein or protein bars into your sports plan?

Visit our website AmixStore and get ready with our recommended sports equipment for home, such as:

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