Common mistakes when training at home

Feb 23, 2021AMIX STORE
Errores frecuentes al entrenar en casa

It is becoming more and more common to train from home. The new normal has forced us to adopt certain changes in order to adapt to the existing measures. With this, we have realized that it is possible to stay active without having to go outside and this is a real challenge, although undoubtedly possible. However, there are some mistakes when training at home that should be mentioned so that, especially beginners, can evolve and see results in the most satisfactory and safe way possible.

Those who have never trained before and have started doing so over the last year may feel lost in some cases. Training at home with a previous base is not the same as getting started in the subject. Therefore, this post can be really useful for those people who are clear about their new goal, but are unsure whether they are carrying out their training in the right way. Let's look at some of the common mistakes when training at home.

Common mistakes when training at home, take note!

Do not heat

Warming up is very important to prepare the body and allow it to adapt from rest to activity. It is not necessary to spend too much time on it, but a few minutes of joint movements and/or cardio beforehand can be very beneficial, depending on the objectives pursued. Starting training in a very drastic way can lead to certain setbacks, such as more serious ailments or injuries. It is essential to listen to the body and attend to its needs at all times.

Forgetting to stretch

While stretching is not always necessary after every workout, allowing for recovery time is essential. Just as we help our body get used to movement, we must calm it down and allow it to return to a resting state. On the other hand, taking time to stretch can be very good for increasing mobility and reducing the risk of injury. If you don't have time to stretch after your routine, opt for doing additional sessions one or two days a week. You will feel great well-being, as in addition to the physical benefits, it also translates into the mental level.

Always repeating the same routines

If you repeat the same routines every day, several things can happen. On the one hand, it's just a matter of time before you fall into monotony and your workouts stop being satisfying . In this sense, the probability of giving up increases. On the other hand, it is necessary to alternate the work of the different muscle groups . If you repeat the same exercises every day and with the same intensity, you are not allowing the necessary rest for muscle recovery. Establish a varied routine that specifically focuses on the different muscle groups, taking into account the necessary recovery.

Not getting adequate rest

Both on a general and specific level, rest is just as important as the training itself. We are going to focus on rest in three areas. Firstly, make sure you get a good night's sleep, so that your body and mind can reset optimally and prepare for great productivity. Secondly, as mentioned above, let your body rest after intense effort by distributing your training correctly. Finally, we find one of the most frequent mistakes when training at home. It is common to do one exercise after another in order to feel the work and forget about the rest between exercises and between sets . Go easy, push yourself to the maximum, but rest during training. Contrary to what you might think, this is the only way it will be truly effective.

Choosing between cardio and strength

It is common to believe that by doing only cardio we are already fulfilling the required sporting dose, but this is not the case. Alternating cardio and strength training, not necessarily on the same day, is essential. Each of these activities provides you with a series of unique and essential benefits. And if you are one of those people who fear strength training, change your mindset. You are not going to get super-muscled, nor are you too old, nor too inexperienced. The right thing to do is to set a routine based on personal circumstances and not repeat what others do. In this way, anyone, regardless of age or starting physical condition, can train and improve their health and physique.

Sports equipment for training at home

> Women's sportswear / Men's sportswear

> Gloves

> Water bottle

> Cap

> Wristband

> Tracksuit

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