Properties of chard

Oct 06, 2020AMIX STORE
propiedades de las acelgas

Discovering the benefits of eating certain foods is very important to acquire knowledge that will allow us to build a healthy diet. In addition, choosing seasonal foods is an excellent idea that offers us many advantages and gives us health and energy. Today we are going to talk about the properties of chard, one of the oldest vegetables known and which is also very versatile when it comes to preparing our delicious dishes that keep us in a fit lifestyle. Do you eat it regularly?

Leading a healthy lifestyle and pursuing our physical goals pushes us to be interested and discover new things every day. Today we are going to talk about the properties of chard so that we can consume this food frequently in a conscious way and to benefit our goals. If you don't usually consume it often, it is never too late to include it and continue experimenting with different flavors and creating basics for your recipe book.

Properties of chard

Chard comes into season at the end of September and is a very valuable food. It is a very common and popular ingredient and has also been credited with medicinal properties for treating various ailments.

The caloric content of chard is very low , which makes it an ideal food in diets aimed at weight loss. It offers us a lot of nutrients and is a source of fiber and water , a characteristic that gives it a powerful satiating effect. This aspect also reinforces the suitability of introducing it in weight loss diets, since it prevents snacking between meals.

They are rich in potassium, sodium, magnesium and a great source of calcium that contributes to good bone health. They are very interesting for pregnant women due to their folate content. They also provide vitamins C and A. Among their great benefits, we highlight the care of cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of suffering from associated diseases. They promote regular intestinal transit and favor proper digestion. In addition, they participate in maintaining a strong immune system and greater energy and vitality.

One of the great advantages of eating chard is that you can do it in different ways, according to your tastes and needs. Boiled, in soups or stews, scrambled with eggs, sautéed with ham or shrimp... Did you know the properties of chard?

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