Tips for taking care of a runner's feet

Jul 07, 2020AMIX STORE
pies de runner

Regardless of your level and experience in running, if you run regularly, this post is for you. Feet are a runner's most important tool and taking care of them is essential. If you ignore this fact, it is likely that, sooner or later, they will end up failing. Discover the following tips to take care of a runner's feet and integrate them into your daily routine. The result? Feet ready for action!

The results of any training depend on different factors. On the one hand, the quality of the sports routine makes the athlete's evolution go at a certain pace. The ability to organize the training as well as the ability of your body to face it will bring about some results or others. On the other hand, there is the quieter part of training, which refers to that which is not seen but is essential to increase productivity. In this second field, we can include rest, as well as different care for our body. A runner who allows himself time to rest, who regularly goes to a physiotherapy clinic to optimize the state of his muscles or who takes care of his feet will surely notice deeper and longer lasting progress. And you, what kind of runner are you?


How to take care of a runner's feet?

Wear the right shoes

When we talk about the right shoes, we mean running shoes that are comfortable for you. Regardless of the price, brand or colour, comfortable shoes guarantee a good run. Don't be in a hurry to buy them, but take the time to try them on and walk around, even imitate running movements to see if they are what you are looking for. They should not exert excessive pressure or be loose. Make sure your toes are not wrinkled at the tip and forget about the "they will give way" thing. Your feet need room to feel your step and work in the right direction.

Don't wear your first outfit to a competition

It may seem like a very basic tip, but many people include brand new clothes in their running backpack. Especially shoes, but also the rest of the clothes, need to be broken in and adapted to your body . Otherwise, you risk receiving more than one unwanted surprise halfway through the race. Chafing, redness, blisters, discomfort, itching... are some of the sensations that wearing new clothes could cause. Don't take any chances and wear what you usually wear! If you wear it every day, after all, it's because you feel comfortable.

Socks matter too

Once you have chosen the right shoes, you will have taken the first step, but not the only one. The choice of socks is also essential. These are one of the main causes of chafing, blisters and other consequences derived from a bad choice in this regard. The seams, the lack of pressure or thinking that anything goes, can play a trick on you. Choose socks that fit your feet well, with a breathable fabric and with resistant and quality materials.

Tighten the laces enough

One of the most uncomfortable things that can hinder your progress is wearing loose shoes. If your foot is moving around inside the shoe, you are probably more concerned about not twisting your ankle than about making a good step. Don't put pressure on your feet, but do tighten the laces enough to keep them secure.

take care of your feet

Taking care of a runner's feet? Stop chafing!

As a runner, you've probably suffered from chafing and blisters on more than one occasion. A bad choice of shoes or the use of unsuitable socks are the main causes of these minor injuries. On the other hand, you can always use anti-friction products in the most problematic areas such as heels or insteps, to prevent the appearance of these discomforts.

Cold water baths

After a run, your feet are often a bit swollen and hot . Bathing them in cold water or applying ice can help them recover and provide great relief and relaxation. If you have any minor chafing, you can add sea salt to the water to help repair the damage. Pat dry and moisturize.

Nail trimming is crucial

Cutting your nails correctly is essential to prevent ailments that can ruin your activity. To avoid this from happening, cut them square instead of rounded to prevent the well-known ingrown toenail . This can cause real discomfort to the point of making it impossible to carry out your normal routine.

A runner's feet need hydration

Hydration is essential for anyone, regardless of the activity they practice. However, runners often have thick, dry skin that can cause cracks and even wounds . In addition, the impact of running on cracked skin can make it prone to infections and make it difficult to recover. Apply a highly moisturizing cream daily, at night or after the race, and massage your feet until it is absorbed. You will notice more flexible skin and greater comfort.

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