Keys to take action: think less, live more!

Mar 11, 2021AMIX STORE
Claves para pasar a la acción: piensa menos, ¡vive más!

If you are one of those people who are full of purpose but find it difficult to take action, pay attention. This is one of those topics for which everyone seems to have advice and yet few actually apply it. And when we have a resistance that prevents us from moving forward, addressing it is not easy. But it is necessary! So discover some keys to take action and try to work on it. Because remember, the time to live is NOW.

We are going through a difficult time in which doing everything we would like is not easy. We have an important social responsibility that requires commitment and awareness. We are asked to avoid meeting many people, going to certain places and undertaking certain activities. Now is the time to comply with all of this in order to stay safe, which is the most important thing. However, adapting to the new situation does not mean stopping experiencing the opportunities that life offers us. Therefore, stop justifying your blockage with the difficult time we are going through and find ways and alternatives to be satisfied on a daily basis, despite the setbacks. How? We will tell you some keys to take action.

Keys to take action, the time is NOW!

The first thing you should try is to reconnect with yourself and discover what you want or what it is that you would like to be doing and are not doing. It doesn't have to be something existential, small goals that help you increase your well-being and satisfaction are enough. If, for example, you want to start firmly following a new sports routine, adopt the following tips or adapt them to your particular circumstances.

Visualize the goal

Be clear about what you want to achieve and define it as much as possible. If you want too many things and aim for something that has no shape yet, you will hardly be able to satisfy your desire to achieve it. Therefore, try to draw your goal in your mind as clearly as possible. To help you, you can write it down until you have it shaped and once you achieve it, you will know where you want to go. Do you want to see yourself fulfilling a sports routine? So go for it!

Define the steps to follow

Once you know your destination clearly, you just have to think about how you can achieve it. In this step you should evaluate the circumstances that surround you, the different possibilities and what you would need to move forward . You may discover aspects that hold you back and this will be the time to establish a “plan B”. But remember, there are no exhausted alternatives, so if your “plan B” does not work, you have many more possibilities to design new plans that will make you achieve success. Don't give up! What do you need to comply with your sports routine? Maybe advice, organize your time, think about whether you can go to the gym or you will have to do it at home or, perhaps, outdoors... Define everything necessary. You now have one more piece of information on your map.

Don't listen to the noise of your mind

At this point, you'll probably start to imagine all kinds of excuses and reasons why you shouldn't take the path. "I'm sure I won't be able to do it," "this isn't for me," "I won't know how to do it properly," "it's nonsense." And a thousand other examples. Don't listen to all of this because it's your fears and insecurities trying to keep you safe. You decide if it's better to ignore them or if, perhaps, listening to them can take you back to point two and help you design new strategies that give you security and chase away your fears. Have you never managed to stick to a sports routine before? So what? There's a first time for everything! Go for it!

Just do it

Once you have fulfilled the above keys to take action, all that remains is to do it. Take a step, don't think about it, take a risk. You will learn everything you need to know as you go along . No one is born knowing how to do everything and if everyone was blocked before acting... can you imagine what kind of world we would live in? Choose sportswear that empowers you, look in the mirror and believe that you can, because that's the only way you will achieve it. Can you imagine when you start to see the results you want? There will be no one to stop you!

Reflect and talk to yourself

If you have already managed to break through the barriers and are moving towards your goals, don't be complacent. Writing down in a notebook how you are feeling, what your change is bringing you, whether you are achieving what you want... will allow you to modify the path based on your needs. This will not only help you to know yourself better, but will also allow you to take steps with strength and confidence. You will be the master of your own path and there is no greater satisfaction than consciously doing what you want.

If you think that your blockages are really strong and are preventing you from moving forward and being happy, do not hesitate to seek the help of a professional. If you think that you cannot evolve towards the goals you want or if you do not know how to define what it is that you want to achieve or that you like. Without a doubt, mental health is as important as physical health and we do not have to suffer. Asking for help when we cannot find a solution to a conflict, in any aspect of life, will always be the best step. Go for it and, remember, you will achieve it! Live NOW!

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