5 Sports accessories for your functional training

Feb 11, 2021AMIX STORE
accesorios deportivos

Training at home is now a very common practice and, in addition, safe. Many people have decided to change their routines and innovate to enjoy an active life in peace. Depending on the objectives pursued, this may have certain limitations since to evolve in certain areas it is important to always demand a little more from our body. However, functional training is the answer for many people who want to get active, stay fit and continue improving their different skills . For this reason, today we are going to talk about 5 sports accessories to optimize your functional training and continue observing a constant development in your body and mind.

In the face of adversity, we must take action

On many occasions, it is easier to find excuses than solutions to setbacks. Therefore, lack of time, the impossibility of going to the gym due to restrictions in certain places or safety concerns are some of the reasons why many people have stopped being active. We know perfectly well that the current pandemic situation has disrupted the normality of life and also that safety and caution come first. However, physical activity is a fundamental pillar in good health and in the optimal state of the immune system, which is very important to help us prevent or treat the disease if it appears. Therefore, it is essential to find the balance between one's own and others' safety and physical activity.

Going for a walk or a run, riding a bike... are habits that can continue despite the pandemic situation. On the other hand, functional training at home will not only keep you in good shape and allow you to achieve certain goals, but will also help you see everyday life in a different way, feel better about yourself and greatly optimize your mood . Many people are feeling more stress, anxiety or depression in these difficult times and physical activity is undoubtedly a powerful medicine for these ailments. Today we are going to tell you about 5 sports accessories that will help you improve your functional training and keep you motivated and on top of it. Discover them!

5 Sports accessories for your functional training

Jump rope

There is nothing more fun and entertaining than challenging yourself by jumping rope. Plus, if you are persistent and consistent, you will notice a very fast improvement. There are many types of jump rope so that your pre-workout cardio is as dynamic and innovative as possible. You can also use it as part of your series, to speed up your heart rate, improve your endurance and build the most complete routines.


The fitball is one of the most popular sports accessories due to its great versatility. It is used both to increase the intensity of certain exercises, as well as to relax, stretch and release all the daily tension that we accumulate and that can cause different ailments. Get one and let your creativity fly and go for it.

Resistance bands

Resistance bands are a classic for training, even at home. They provide greater resistance to exercises to work on strength in a comfortable, simple and effective way. They come in different intensities and types, so finding the one you need will be easy. You can use them for exercises aimed at a multitude of objectives and muscle groups.

Dumbbells or Kettlebells

A set of dumbbells will always be recommended to work on functionality and strength effectively and noticeably. You can increase the weight as you become more skilled and it will be great for extra intensity . The results are guaranteed! If you want to go one step further, a kettlebell is excellent for working in a different and fun way. The results of increasing strength are, among others, greater capacity and comfort to carry out daily activities independently and safely. All advantages!

Ab Wheel

Activate your muscles with an abdominal wheel. We know it's scary at first, but it will only be a matter of time before you master the technique perfectly and your abdomen is increasingly stronger and ready for action. Set yourself challenges and go all out to be the best version of yourself. Remember, set short-term goals, step by step, and you'll soon achieve the results you so desire.


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