Abel Palazuelos: “bodybuilding is something essential in my life”

Feb 17, 2021AMIX STORE
Abel Palazuelo

Today we talk to our athlete Abel Palazuelos, who has clear goals for 2021 and is full of passion and desire to achieve them. He has been in the world of professional bodybuilding for five years, although he started training at the age of 16 as a complement to practicing other sports. Let's talk more with Abel, his energy and motivation are definitely contagious!

Abel Palazuelos is clear that bodybuilding is part of his life and is essential: “It gives me satisfaction and makes me feel good about what I do” . In addition, he assures that he dedicates himself to it body and soul and is looking forward to making the most of 2021 to gain great experiences. He confesses to us that “there is nothing more beautiful than seeing one's own merits and results from daily efforts” . Let's find out more about Abel!

Getting to know Abel Palazuelo better…

When did you get into bodybuilding?

I have always trained, practically since I was 16, but I did other sports at the same time. Five years ago I started 100% professional bodybuilding. Since then, I have dedicated myself body and soul to it.

What does bodybuilding bring to you?

It gives me a lot of values, discipline... For me it is something essential, because it gives me satisfaction and makes me feel good about what I do.

Your 3 Amix must-haves are…

Of course, Hydrolyzed Protein , Glycodex and BCAA's . These are three key elements in my supplementation.

Abel Palazuelo: “I want to enjoy the moments I work for every day”

What are your plans for 2021?

My plan for this year is to enter as many events as possible, because I really want to do so. I want to be as competitive as possible to see everything that can be done and enjoy those moments that I have worked so hard for over the last few years.

Do you have any habits before going on stage?

Just focusing and telling myself “this is why we kill ourselves in the gym every day and why we do everything in our lives.”

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get started in the world of physical activity and improve their lifestyle?

I would tell him to do things the best he can, to work hard and not let anyone take away the dreams he fights for. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing his own merits and the results of his daily efforts. Sacrifice is reflected in his physical appearance. There are no lies.

With these words from Abel we wish you the best on the road to success in your projects!

And you, do you exercise a lot but find it difficult to lose fat? Try to complement your sports plan with one of Amix's fat burners .


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