Doowaps, the perfect snack!

Feb 19, 2021AMIX STORE

If you've ever thought that a homemade recipe can't match the taste of any ultra-processed treat... it's time to get back to reality! Today we have a recipe that you'll not only love, but that will be perfect to surprise your loved ones and show that a fit lifestyle is, without a doubt, the best option. Have you got a sweet tooth and don't know what to have for a snack? Don't worry, we have the answer... Doowaps!

Get ready because you're about to add another basic dish to your recipe book. Once you try it, you'll want to repeat it. And no wonder, it's simple, delicious and fit. What more could you ask for? Get the ingredients we detail below and get to work with this unbeatable creation by @laura_fit . Go for it with these Doowaps!

Doowaps, irresistible!


100 ml of skimmed milk (the one you usually use)

Chocolate Nutella (for the filling)

240 g strong flour

15 g fresh yeast

25 ml EVOO

2 eggs (one for brushing)

35 g erythritol

½ tsp pink salt

½ tsp vanilla

Chopped chocolate (for the topping)

Get a protein dessert by adding Whey Pro Fusion or any of the Amix flavored proteins .


  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk
  2. Pour over the rest of the liquid ingredients and mix.
  3. Add the erythritol (or sweetener you use) and mix.
  4. Add the flour little by little, mixing it in at the same time. Add the salt.
  5. Knead until it has a smooth texture
  6. Place in a bowl greased with oil, cover with a cloth and let rest for 1 hour until doubled in size.
  7. Divide into several balls and put a spoonful of Nuttamix inside.
  8. Place on baking paper on a baking tray, cover with a cloth and let rest for 1 hour.
  9. Brush with egg and place the chocolate chips on the outside.
  10. Bake for 15 min at 180º
  11. Let's have a snack of Doowaps!

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