Tips to treat and prevent cellulite

Jun 11, 2020AMIX STORE
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The appearance of cellulite is one of the most common concerns regarding aesthetics and physical appearance. With the arrival of summer, the urgency to show off beautiful and well-cared-for skin increases. Although having cellulite is very common and normal, there are certain tips that can help you reduce it. Today we give you some tips to treat and prevent cellulite. Discover them!

Symptoms and manifestations

There are many factors that can be related to the presence of cellulite in our body. This is a fact that affects mostly women, and it is a reality that practically all of us have to a greater or lesser extent. Cellulite is a harmless condition that manifests itself on the skin causing small dimples. These generally appear on the thighs, buttocks or hips, among other areas. There are different ways to combat its appearance or treat it once it has appeared. However, a healthy lifestyle is essential to be healthy and to promote the appearance and health of the skin.

Cellulite can occur in different degrees. There are women who only notice it when they press on the skin in the affected area, while others suffer from it in a more severe and visible way. The latter is usually visually more aggressive, wrinkling the skin and presenting very irregular and rough areas. Hormonal factors and a genetic issue have a lot to do with this issue. Although it is generally not dangerous, there are different options to treat it. There are cosmetic products that promise to reduce it, aesthetic treatments and certain habits that can be more or less effective depending on each person. However, a healthy lifestyle based on a correct diet, frequent physical exercise and quality rest should effectively help you to have good skin condition, reducing its presence and preventing its future appearance.

Tips to treat and prevent cellulite

Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Reduce salt consumption and opt for other spices and flavorings

Eat healthy , including high-fiber foods

Get active , move your body as much as possible and walk to places whenever you have the chance.

Limit consumption of sugars and refined flours

Do moderate intensity exercise at least three times a week

Avoid being in the same position for too long, move and avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Massage your body, paying special attention to the affected areas, daily.

Dare to try contrast showers to promote circulation and improve the appearance of your skin

If you use cosmetic products, keep in mind that they are a complement and do not replace healthy habits.

Drink infusions with diuretic properties that help you combat fluid retention.

Wear comfortable shoes

It is preferable that the clothing does not exert too much pressure on your body.

Get enough rest and build an effective sleep routine

Completely eliminate harmful habits such as tobacco or alcohol.

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