Squats have become one of the classic exercises in any training routine. They can be practiced regardless of your starting physical condition. The reason is none other than their versatility and the possibility of adapting to each person's personal circumstances. Today we are going to talk about 5 types of squats so that you can evaluate and build your exercises in the most productive and personalized way possible . Ready to give it your all?
Squats have become widely considered essential for strengthening legs and glutes at any time and place . There are many variations of the classic squat that allow you to provide an extra dose of intensity for effective work focused on different objectives. Today we are going to talk about five types of squats, basic and effective, discover them!
5 Types of Squats
Classic squat
The classic squat is the starting point for this particular journey through the different variations that arise. And if you don't master the basic technique, it is impossible to obtain the results you want. But it is not just a question of results, but also of safety against injuries caused by poor execution.
Sumo squat
The sumo squat is performed in a similar way to the classic squat, with certain differences in the initial body posture. In this case, the feet should be more than hip-width apart and the toes should point slightly outwards. It is very important that when descending, the knees are aligned with the feet and do not wobble or lean forward. To do this, it is essential to activate the glutes, lengthen the back and keep the gaze forward. If the muscles are passive, it makes it easier for the body to become dislocated and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
Deep squat
To perform this type of squat, it is essential to have mastered the technique. Although it may seem similar to the classic squat, it requires greater strength to avoid damaging the knee joint. It consists of standing with your legs hip-width apart and lowering yourself beyond a ninety-degree angle at the knees. You must not let yourself fall, at all times the muscles are working and controlling the movement. This variant requires greater preparation to be able to perform the entire movement without becoming dislodged or disconnecting.
Squat jump
Adding jumps between squats may seem like a simple thing to do. If you think so, try it! Work on your strength as well as your endurance. Get your heart rate up and feel your legs burning. This type of squat requires a certain amount of physical preparation. It involves including a jump with maximum power between repetitions. Remember that it is not enough to do it. You have to do it well! To do this, you need a lot of consistency, practice and body awareness. You will surely surprise yourself with the evolution.
Bulgarian squat
It is not advisable to start with this type of squat if you are a beginner. To do it, you need a support such as a chair or a bench. We stand with our back to the support, raise our right leg and rest the instep on it. Then, we go down bending the left knee, hold it down for a few seconds and go up . To know that we are at the right distance from the support, we must make sure that the knee does not go over the tip of the foot when going down. The back must remain well positioned at all times and the torso cannot fall forward. Change legs.
To add difficulty to any of the mentioned variations, we can use weights , either with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebell… Another option is to use resistance bands or include jumps between repetitions. There are many possibilities when it comes to building an effective, dynamic and fun squat workout. Now you just have to try and see how you evolve until you master these five types of squats.
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