Raúl Carrasco: “bodybuilding has taught me discipline”

Dec 02, 2020AMIX STORE
Raúl Carrasco: “el culturismo me ha enseñado disciplina”

Today we are going to dedicate our post to a great bodybuilding professional who started his career at the age of fourteen and has been dedicated to his great passion for more than fifteen years. Raúl Carrasco, born in Seville in 1981, can boast of not having failed in any competition since his beginnings. Thus, he has accumulated more than 30 professional championships that have given him great wisdom and experience in the field. Raúl Carrasco defines himself as a “passionate about innovation” and hence his desire to stay informed of the latest advances and new research in nutrition and supplementation.

We spoke with Raúl Carrasco and he told us that at the early age of twelve he began to feel curious about muscle development. “This curiosity, and the boredom of having moved to a new neighborhood, led to my first contact with the world of bodybuilding at the age of fourteen.”

Raul Carrasco

Getting to know Raúl Carrasco better…

What has bodybuilding taught you?

Mainly, it has taught me discipline, both in sport and in life, and that I can overcome my limits. It has taught me to value and understand my diet in order to have a positive balance in my health.

What are the three Amix supplements that you can't miss in your daily routine?

Without a doubt, those that, in addition to helping me recover better, influence health and longevity. Those that increase metabolic flexibility, which is the key to gaining muscle, losing fat, avoiding diseases and living better. Without a doubt, NA-R-ALA , Resveratrol and ISOHD90 .

Is there any competition that you remember fondly?

Perhaps many people expect me to say Mister Olympia! But that's not the case... Without a doubt, when I won my first Spanish Junior Championship, for the simple reason that it was the only championship in which I managed to get my whole family to come and see me and share moments backstage.

What are your plans for 2021?

2021 is going to be a very busy year for me, as I have not been able to fully present the new Amix products in 2020 and I feel that 2021 will be a great year, as I will have the opportunity to do so. Of course, I will continue working to make us the leading brand in innovation and quality. On the other hand, I continue to be involved in training and education as a teacher at the best academies in the world, giving courses and seminars throughout the country and around the world.

Our athlete, who has a more than evident and extensive professional career, assures that it is essential to stay informed and keep track of the latest developments , because “it is common to discover new uses or properties of something that already existed.” From this medium we hope that you continue to feed the hunger for knowledge and much success in your projects!


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