Properties of green beans

Oct 15, 2020AMIX STORE
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Many people are reluctant to include certain foods in their diet, despite knowing the great benefits they have. It is common to experience prejudices towards certain fruits and vegetables and believe that we do not like them, that we do not know how to cook them or that they are part of overly elaborate recipes. Today we are going to talk about the properties of green beans, their great positive contributions and how versatile they are, being able to add them to a multitude of delicious, simple and very healthy preparations. And you, do you eat green beans regularly? Without a doubt, you should!

Green beans, the star ingredient

If there is one thing you should remember in your moments of weakness, it is that a quality pantry translates into a quality life. A healthy diet is essential to enjoy good health and contribute to the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, when we observe certain behaviors in ourselves, such as the unfounded rejection of certain foods, we should question ourselves. If you do not usually include green beans in your diet frequently, you should do so and today we are going to tell you why.

The first thing you need to know is that they are very versatile, so incorporating them into your routine will be very easy. They can be eaten boiled, in a stew with other vegetables, sautéed with ham and/or spring onion and a touch of paprika... Not convinced? Prepare them in a puree with other vegetables, include them in your paellas and rice dishes... There's no reason not to find the way that suits you best! You can also freeze them, but you'll have to blanch them first.

green beans properties

Properties of green beans

Green beans belong to the legume family, but nutritionally they do not have the same properties as other legumes. They are tender pods that are eaten whole. We usually find them in their flat and rounded variety. They are very rich in water and very low in carbohydrates and calories , far from what we tend to think. They provide us with 12 kcal per 100 grams. Without a doubt, and in case you were wondering, they can be part of a diet aimed at fat loss. Among the properties of green beans, we highlight that they are a source of practically all minerals and provide us with folates and vitamin A. To get them, choose those that have a bright color and are firm.

The antioxidant power of green beans combats damage caused by free radicals , minimizing the risk of certain diseases and reducing the signs of aging. In addition, it helps preserve bone density , promoting optimal bone health and keeping them strong over time. Its diuretic power combats fluid retention and promotes the elimination of waste substances from the body. Thanks to its soluble fiber content, they help regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels. As you can see, this is a very complete food that you should include in your diet, as it has great virtues that your health can benefit from. If you already consumed them regularly, excellent! If not, do not hesitate to incorporate them and give them a try.

And you, what are you waiting for to introduce vegetables, whey protein or energy bars into your sports plan?

If you want to discover the properties of other foods you can consult the following posts: All about chickpeas and Properties of chard.

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