There are various factors that can shake our perseverance when it comes to carrying out a nutritional plan. And the fact is that, although a healthy diet has room for an endless number of delicious and very appetizing options, sometimes we get carried away by certain behaviors that prevent us from achieving our goals. Today we are going to look at 5 keys to complying with the diet without excuses, even when we are faced with some difficulty or setback.
How to stick to a diet?
Nowadays, fortunately, the concept of diet is not the same as it was a few years ago. There is more and more information on the subject and most people know that a diet does not mean going hungry. Once we have this clear, we can deduce that in a nutritional plan adapted to our own needs there will be room for a multitude of delicious dishes that will keep boredom, monotony and extreme sacrifices at bay. A healthy diet is not a burden on our path, quite the opposite. It is a very useful tool that allows us to take care of ourselves from within and translate it into the most visible areas such as our physical appearance or mental and emotional well-being. If we understand this, we will understand that there are small efforts that we must make when a setback occurs, since the reward is worth it.
In this sense, keeping in mind some key points will help us build a diet that is more resistant to possible difficulties such as eating out for work, traveling or enjoying leisure time, among others. Therefore, what should a diet have so that it makes us feel satisfied and we can carry it out without even realizing it?
5 Keys to sticking to your diet without excuses
To comply with the diet, it must be varied
When planning a diet, it is essential to ensure that it is nutritionally complete and protects us from possible deficiencies. To do this, we must ensure that we include all types of foods with their particular characteristics. On the other hand, there must be variety so that it is attractive and satisfying . Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables that add colour, flavour and aroma to your recipes. Also, opt for seasonal foods that have a high nutritional value. If you get bored with your diet, it will be very difficult to stick to it.
Personalized and non-transferable
It is very important that you do not follow the diet of your family member or friend, even if it has worked very well and has been very helpful. Each person is a world with their own circumstances, needs and objectives . Therefore, it is essential that you understand that each nutritional plan is individual and non-transferable. In this sense, it is very appropriate to go to a nutrition professional who can establish a plan oriented to your particular case. If you do so, you will surely begin to see noticeable and progressive results that will not make you consider abandoning the diet. You will do so without it being a huge effort.
It should make us feel full and energetic.
We will never tire of saying that a diet is not about going hungry, far from it. Healthy eating satiates and, in addition to satiating, is enjoyable . This means that you will enjoy discovering new flavours and combinations that will enrich your recipes. If you are not satisfied, if you are bored, if you are not satisfied, if you feel a lack of energy, motivation, vitality, your diet needs a change. Look for these modifications instead of settling for a mediocre diet that does not give you what you need. If you do not do this, it will be a matter of time before you give up.
Pay attention to hydration
In addition to eating well, you should stay well hydrated. This way, you help your body to function properly and increase your well-being, promoting an optimal energy state and warding off various symptoms of insufficient hydration (fatigue, headache, heaviness, etc.)
Is it bringing us positive results?
To be satisfied and enthusiastic about your diet, it must meet one requirement: it must give you the results you are looking for. These results are not measured solely by the weight you lose on the scale. We have told you on occasion that the importance of weight is relative . It serves more as an indicator for developing your nutritional plan than as a sign of progression and evolution. Results are also measured by sensations. Ask yourself if your diet makes you feel good, if it gives you well-being and energy. Check that you rest adequately and that you perform satisfactorily during your day. Ask yourself if it makes you learn and discover new facts about food and if it gives you greater independence and autonomy when making healthy decisions. If your healthy diet does not give you results on all levels (physical, mental and emotional), question it and optimize it.
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