I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard about the importance of eating fruit. We're used to being told that we have to eat certain portions a day, but many people don't know why they should do so. The result? They leave this important aspect aside and lose a lot of positive contributions along the way due to a lack of knowledge. Today we want to clarify some doubts and tell you about the benefits of eating fruit regularly. I'm sure this will make things much clearer to you and you won't forget them from now on. Take note!
Eating fruit every day is essential!
Fruit is a very important part of a balanced diet that contributes to good health. Eating the right amount of fruit promotes the proper functioning of the body and makes us feel energetic and vital. Generally speaking, we talk about five pieces a day, although the WHO (World Health Organization) speaks of a consumption of fruits and vegetables of more than 400 g a day. You should remember that a diet with a low or non-existent presence of fruit is related to health problems and the development of certain diseases.
There are different reasons why some people decide not to eat fruit. They find it hard to eat, they don't know how to prepare it, they don't like it, they opt for less healthy alternatives, they don't find the time... Whatever your case, it's important for you to know that the benefits of eating fruit regularly are many and very important. Without a doubt, it's worth making an effort and changing the beliefs that are leading you to not eat it regularly. Below we'll outline some of its benefits and, after reading them, you'll surely want to prepare a delicious, colorful, nutritious, energetic and healthy snack with fruit.
Benefits of eating fruit regularly
- Fruits have antioxidant properties that protect our body from damage caused by free radicals. In this way, they reduce the risk of developing certain diseases and prevent aging. The way we take care of ourselves from the inside is reflected on the outside. A balanced diet with the presence of antioxidants gives us greater skin luminosity and rejuvenates us in every sense.
- They provide an important source of vitamins that are essential for the body to be able to carry out its functions normally . Eating fruit is an excellent way to avoid deficiencies in this regard that can lead to the development of illnesses. If we also eat seasonal fruit, we are assured of a greater nutritional intake, since it is at its best and offers us all its flavour, aroma and colour.
- Fruits contain a considerable amount of minerals, which are essential for optimal health. Calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium… are some of the minerals found in fruits that we need to stay healthy.
- Fruits contain a high dose of fiber that promotes regular intestinal transit and favors digestive health in general. It is highly recommended to consume it during periods of constipation, as it helps relieve symptoms and restore well-being.
- Fruit has a satiating effect due to its fiber content, which is why it is highly recommended as a healthy snack. If you are one of those people who snacks between meals and find it difficult to maintain a regular diet, fruit can be your most powerful weapon.
Other benefits of eating fruit regularly
They are composed of a high percentage of water, which is why they have diuretic properties that combat fluid retention and help us eliminate waste substances from the body.
Its water content gives it a much-needed hydrating power for our body , contributing to proper daily hydration.
Fruit is part of a healthy and balanced diet that promotes a healthy lifestyle, avoiding states of overweight and obesity and advocating an active life.
It takes care of cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system and promotes a daily intake of certain nutrients essential for the normal functioning of the body.
And you, what are you waiting for to introduce fruit, whey protein or energy bars into your sports plan?
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