Healthy habits for disease prevention

Oct 21, 2020AMIX STORE
prevención de enfermedades

The goal of a healthy lifestyle encompasses much more than the physical plane. Although this affects the most superficial aspect, our health and well-being depend on good habits. We started this week celebrating the World Day of the Fight Against Breast Cancer and what better time to remember the importance of lifestyle in the prevention of diseases. Discover some of the basic pillars for optimal health and analyze whether you should change any aspect of your life. Let's go!

As the WHO points out, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” From this statement, we can deduce the need to seek a higher quality of life and well-being at all levels. Thus, enjoying a healthy lifestyle allows us to experience pleasant sensations that remove stress, lack of rest, unhealthy food or inactivity, among others, from our daily lives. If we follow a series of healthy habits, we will see before us a path of satisfaction, continuous learning, respect for ourselves and greater awareness in every sense. If, in addition, we know the importance that this path has on the prevention of diseases, it is certainly worth taking!

Aspects to take into account in disease prevention

Although the genetic component has a great impact on our state of health, we cannot be satisfied and leave it to chance. While it is true that our genetics will favor the development of possible diseases, we should not wait for this to happen. Each of the steps we take in favor of our health will contribute not only to a better quality of life, but also to ensuring that illnesses do not appear later and that, once they do appear, we can face them stronger and more prepared.

Now is the time to learn what are the keys that promise greater satisfaction and general well-being. Diet, activity and frequent physical exercise, rest... are some of them. However, it is worth breaking down each aspect and knowing how we should act in order to preserve our good health and achieve a better life for longer.

Keys to disease prevention

About the immune system…

It is the main barrier against diseases that our body has. Regular physical exercise, among other habits, contributes to its correct functioning. We can distinguish between two barriers: on the one hand, we have the innate system , with which we are all born. It is made up of a cellular system specialized in immunity and other natural barriers such as the skin, mucous membranes or intestinal bacteria, among others. On the other hand, the acquired system is formed more slowly, as our body faces diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, etc., and creates antibodies.

Frequent physical exercise

To maintain an optimal state of health and contribute to the prevention of diseases, we must be aware of the importance of physical activity. Although walking is very important, and essential to combat inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, it is not enough. Practicing strength exercises allows us to gain muscle mass, which is essential to be healthy and strong. Although each person is different and has particular circumstances, it is possible to adapt strength exercises to each person. Yes, you can do strength exercises regardless of your condition, you just have to adapt them. This is essential to balance the immune system and avoid chronic inflammatory states .

What is this muscle mass thing?

Muscle mass is of great importance in disease prevention. When you hear this term, forget about the typical super-muscled bodybuilder, it has nothing to do with it! It is about finding an adequate body composition with sufficient muscle mass, closely related to the immune system. This is an important energy reserve that favors the acquired immune system. With an appropriate muscle mass, we will be stronger to fight against diseases and the recovery time will be drastically reduced . It is worth working on strength!

Regarding food

Nutrition plays a vital role in disease prevention and overall well-being. We must avoid ultra-processed, nutritionally devoid foods at all costs. A healthy diet is based on vegetables, a source of antioxidants, fresh and seasonal foods, quality healthy fats and a sufficient protein intake. However, do not think that eating well is everything, since, in isolation, it will not give you adequate skeletal muscle mass. Remember, it is a lifestyle that requires practicing different habits.

Rest and stress in disease prevention

Sleep is essential for recovery and regeneration, and it also directly influences our body composition. If it is sufficiently restorative, it keeps our immune system balanced. So forget about taking away hours of sleep and give priority to this aspect. On the other hand, practicing activities that allow us to reduce stress is essential . Stress is a great enemy of our health and directly and negatively affects our immune system. Learning to manage it is basic… and possible!

Other factors in disease prevention

There are environmental factors that we are exposed to that can have a negative effect on our immune system. For this reason, it is important to avoid pollution, radiation, etc. as much as possible. And remember, it is never too late to start changing your lifestyle! Although age is a factor that plays against it, it is always a good time to improve and it is worth doing so.

And remember, always eat healthy, visit our Amix store by entering: Healthy eating

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