What is the Pilates method and what is it used for?

Sep 03, 2020AMIX STORE
método Pilates

Combining different sports disciplines can make your routine more complete and with great results. And if we open our minds and dare to try new activities, we can discover endless positive effects on ourselves. Regular Pilates practice provides endless benefits on a physical and mental level. There are many sensations that it brings and it is possible to integrate it without problems into any training plan. We tell you all about the Pilates method. Are you in?

What is the Pilates method?

The Pilates method consists of performing a series of exercises coordinated with breathing. These are specifically designed to optimize health in an integral way and, therefore, must be performed with great precision and control. The work of the discipline is focused on increasing strength , as well as improving body posture , flexibility and awareness and control of one's own body . Those who regularly practice the Pilates method develop their muscles and abilities in a harmonious way thanks to how complete and deep the work is.

The benefits of practicing the Pilates method are evident beyond the moment of the session or afterwards. Its effects are experienced in the course of daily life, by obtaining a series of tools that allow greater body control and optimal postural hygiene. As a result, the risk of suffering injuries is reduced and many symptoms of different existing pathologies improve.

Origin of the Pilates method

The Pilates method was created by Joseph H. Pilates, inspired by disciplines such as ballet, yoga and gymnastics. He suffered from various ailments and was often ill, which led him to investigate the human body and become a great athlete and expert in anatomy. The aim of this method was none other than the development of internal muscles in order to obtain greater stability and provide firmness to the spine. His intention was to promote general health, with unity between mind and body, through a series of strategically designed exercises. Flexibility, coordination, balance, strength... are some of the abilities that are developed with practice. For this reason, Pilates is used not only to prevent possible injuries, but also as rehabilitation when these have already appeared , with very good and long-lasting results.

Pilates method

What are its benefits?

Significantly improves body posture, reducing the risk of suffering from ailments associated with poor postural hygiene.

Strengthens the core , providing our body with a stable and resistant body center

Provides knowledge about one's own body , increasing awareness of it

Excellent for relieving back pain caused by spending a lot of time sitting, working, for example.

Provides greater functionality and independence in everyday life

Promotes cardiovascular health

Stimulates blood circulation

Improves breathing technique

Releases stress and accumulated tensions (both physically and mentally)

It accelerates the metabolism, promotes the burning of calories and oxygenates the body.

Stylizes and shapes the figure

Tones the muscles globally

Significantly increases flexibility, coordination and balance

Relieves symptoms associated with depression and anxiety

Advantages of practicing Pilates

Possibility of customizing work based on individual capabilities

It can perfectly complement any other type of training

Combined with cardiovascular activity, it is ideal for losing weight while strengthening the muscles.

There is no ceiling for those experienced who want to continue developing their skills.

A series of machine exercises were created that work in a different and dynamic way with equally fabulous results.

It can be practiced alone or in company.

You don't need a specific physical condition to get motivated to start the activity.

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