How to improve body posture?

May 12, 2020AMIX STORE
mujer con una correcta postura corporal

Having a good posture goes beyond a mere aesthetic issue. Having a correct body position is a guarantee of good health in the long term in various aspects . If you suffer from certain ailments, or the bad position of your body is beginning to take its toll, discover some tips to improve it and feel good on all levels.

An incorrect body posture can have numerous negative consequences on your health that you could experience in the short, medium or long term. In this context, we reaffirm that prevention is better than cure and, therefore, it is necessary to learn how to position our body. The negative consequences that can be suffered range from minor ailments to more serious injuries that could lead to a variety of health problems. Thus, both common back pain and certain respiratory or digestive problems could be caused by incorrect body posture.

Tips to improve body posture

Proper weight facilitates correct posture

Maintaining a healthy weight is not only essential for good health, but it also affects the position of our body. Being overweight can weaken the muscles and cause bone problems, causing pain and making it difficult to maintain a proper posture . Eating well and achieving the ideal weight goes far beyond a question of aesthetics.

Active life for a healthy body

A sedentary lifestyle is a habit that we should avoid at all costs. It interferes with our daily performance and productivity and is detrimental to the proper functioning of our body. Staying active not only promotes maintaining an ideal weight, but also helps to correct our body's condition.

Activities to improve posture

Although doing daily activity and providing movement to the body is beneficial for our posture, there are activities that improve it in a more profound way. Pilates, for example, is one of the disciplines that aims to correct bad habits in body posture and prevent injuries and physical ailments. It strengthens the abdominal belt and promotes correct postural hygiene.


To begin the transition towards improving body posture, it is important to be aware of the objective. So, when we watch TV, stand, walk or eat, we must begin to seek and maintain the correct posture. To do this, it is important to align the spine respecting the natural curvature of the different regions and to bring the shoulders back and down.

Adapt the environment to your needs

If you work at a desk with a computer, make sure that the screen is at the right height, neither too low nor too high to avoid forcing yourself into a bad position. The spine should be aligned, both feet should be flat on the floor, with the knees at a 90-degree angle, and the elbows resting on the arms of the chair. If, on the other hand, you work standing up or in another static position, being aware of this is the best way for the body to gradually adapt to the change. Avoid protruding your abdomen, keep your posture upright, let your arms fall naturally next to your body and slightly separate your legs, letting the weight of your body fall equally on both.

Other habits to improve body posture

Try to carry a backpack to distribute the weight on both sides.

Eliminate bad habits such as resting on one hip, leaving all your weight on that side.

Maintain a correct body posture when exercising, such as carrying a package or shopping bags.

Carry the shopping load in both hands.

Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear .

If you get tired of sitting, get up and walk around for a few minutes, but don't slouch.

Give importance to stretching.

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