Is it better to run or walk?

Oct 29, 2020AMIX STORE
¿Es mejor correr o caminar?

Many people wonder whether it is better to run or walk. The most general and quickest answer we can give you is to do what makes you feel better. Both activities have shared benefits and others that are more enhanced individually. However, depending on your needs, objectives and feelings, you can choose one activity or the other. Is it better to run or walk? We'll tell you about it!

Is it better to run or walk?

As for the question of whether it is better to run or walk, we will answer you very quickly. Each person is different, with particular objectives and circumstances. Therefore, for some, running may be more optimal, while for others, walking is the ideal alternative. And although they are different activities that require certain different capacities, both share many benefits for your health . When deciding what to do, it is important to consider different aspects.

If you have decided to get into shape and improve your fitness, and you are wondering whether it is better to run or walk, the first thing you should do is listen to your body. If we told you that running is better, we would be giving you an answer that may be inadequate depending on your circumstances and physical condition. Both options are excellent, simply because the body needs to move and escape a sedentary lifestyle. Analyze your habits and define what you want, what other activities you do, what your goals are... Below we will show you some differences between the two so that you can see if you feel more identified with one or the other. But remember, you don't have to choose one in isolation either! Variety is the spice of life and complementing them with each other and with your usual strength training will undoubtedly be the most complete choice.

Differences between walking and running


Walking at a good pace is an excellent practice that, for many, provides more complete benefits than running. It contributes to maintaining optimal cardiovascular health by regulating blood cholesterol levels and balancing blood pressure . In addition, it stabilizes blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system and is suitable for burning calories. On the other hand, it is ideal for enhancing mental well-being , as it allows us to find more positive thoughts, be aware of our surroundings and strengthen our relationship with ourselves. We spend a lot of time in front of screens every day and disconnecting has become a fundamental need. Walking can be the solution to this, as doing so brings great feelings of well-being, increases creativity and puts worries into perspective. On the other hand, you can do it at any time of the day, alone or in company, and no specific equipment is needed, beyond comfortable clothing and shoes.

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Walking can be very useful for people who are not used to physical exercise and want to start getting fit. In this way, they will allow the body to adapt and later, if they wish, they can gradually include gentle jogging routines. For those who are overweight, walking may also be more appropriate, since this activity does not have a risk of impact , as does running, and their joints will be better protected. If there are injuries, especially to the knee, it will be necessary to follow the recommendations of a professional who, with few exceptions, will most likely advise walking instead of running.


Running is a more intense activity than walking and is very healthy. It also takes care of our cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of developing certain diseases. Some of the benefits of walking are multiplied in speed and intensity if we run, such as cardiovascular endurance work or calorie burning, among others. Likewise, on a mental level it is an activity that releases tension and stress in a very noticeable way , providing a pleasant feeling of well-being and calm afterwards. It induces quality rest and helps to achieve greater productivity on a daily basis . Complying with a running routine is evidence of agility and good physical fitness and, in addition, can perfectly complement any other type of training. As in the case of walking, it can be done at any time of the day and in different scenarios. It is true that in this case, the equipment must be more special to achieve the total effectiveness of the practice.

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Running is an excellent idea for people who are already in good physical condition and have experience in the field of physical activity. Breathing and running technique are essential to experience optimal results. It is also highly recommended for people who are looking for a greater calorie burn and who feel good doing an intense and demanding practice . It is important to note that there is a certain risk of impact, so if you suffer injuries or pain in your joints, it is advisable to consult a professional.

Remember that there is nothing better than combining different activities for a complete routine. In addition, as we saw in our post Healthy habits and disease prevention , including strength training adapted to each person is essential to preserve good health over the years and strengthen our body's defenses.

And you, do you exercise a lot but find it difficult to lose fat? Try complementing your sports plan with one of Amix's fat burners . Visit our Amix Store to discover a lot of supplements and add-ons to include in your sports plan.

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