10 healthy snack ideas

Feb 19, 2024AMIX STORE
ideas de sckacks saludables

Looking for healthy snack ideas? Snacking at home or on the go when you want to take care of yourself or follow a fitness lifestyle doesn't have to mean breaking your good resolutions. There are many healthy snack options available, so you can choose the right one for every occasion or whatever you fancy.

Top 10 healthy snack ideas

The ideal choice is one that is not only easy to eat and easy to carry, but also healthy and tasty. They should make you feel good and their consumption should be satisfying and pleasurable without being heavy. You can find a wide range of healthy snacks at amixstore.com from which to choose the ones that are right for you.

1 – Protein bars

Protein bars are great ideas for healthy snacks that are easy to carry and eat on any occasion. If you are an athlete or want to control your weight by strengthening your muscles, taking protein throughout the day is a good choice. This is a simple and tasty way to increase your daily protein intake .

There are many flavors to choose from with different protein percentages and ingredients . Try different flavors and combine different options throughout the week to vary your diet. You can choose the low-carb options if you are interested in reducing your carbohydrate intake.


2 – Popcorn made in a popcorn maker

Homemade popcorn made in a popcorn maker without adding fat, salt or sugar is an idea for healthy snacks, suitable when you need to add energy and vitamins to your diet. It is rich in carbohydrates and vitamin B. A serving of about 25 grams provides about 85-95 kilocalories.

3 – Protein cookies

If you love sweet flavours and are looking for healthy snack ideas, protein cookies are a good choice. They allow you to avoid the temptation of choosing unhealthy sweets and help you complete the amount of protein your body needs to ingest each day.

4 – Nuts

Raw, unsalted nuts are great snacks to eat between meals. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or cashews are natural sources of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins . If you have to control your weight, control the amount you eat each time because they are very energetic. If you train hard and need energy, they are good allies.

See Nut Bars .

5 – Protein sweets

Protein sweets are a great way to kill the temptation of sweet tastes with low sugar and cholesterol content and high protein content. They are ideal for replacing unhealthy sweets .

6 – Banana

If there is a fruit that is easy to transport and eat outside the home as a healthy snack, it is the banana. It provides carbohydrates and minerals to the body and helps reduce the feeling of fatigue and tiredness. It is rich in potassium , and a single banana can cover 23% of the daily needs of this nutrient that helps prevent the appearance of muscle cramps .

7 – Oat bars

Oat bars are a great idea for healthy snacks to have between meals. Oats are a natural ingredient that is an excellent source of dietary fibre and helps provide energy to the body in a sustained manner over time due to their ability to be absorbed by the body and released little by little. In addition, they are filling and rich in vitamins and minerals.

8 – Fresh fruit

A good time to eat fresh fruit is as a snack, especially if you need hydration. An athlete should eat at least three pieces of fruit a day , preferably four. Apples, kiwis and papayas are the most suitable because of their richness in vitamins .

9 – Whole wheat bread with nut cream

A slice or cracker of whole wheat bread with a spoonful or two of nut butter is a good, healthy snack. It is easy to eat at home, although it is not the best option to take to work, the gym or on the road. Nowadays, they are available in chocolate flavours, which is very pleasant and adds the benefits of the mineral richness of cocoa .

10 – Yogurt with protein muesli

Eating yogurt mixed with protein muesli is a healthy snack that provides you with protein and energy to continue with a physically or mentally demanding day. You can choose natural or skimmed yogurt if you want to consume fewer calories . It is a good way to take calcium and minerals and to improve intestinal transit . In addition, yogurt is a natural probiotic food.

As you can see, there are many options for healthy snacks that provide your body with vitamins and are also delicious. Join in on some healthy habits!

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