5 Common Mistakes When Doing Squats

Jun 03, 2020AMIX STORE
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Doing squats has become a staple due to its great results and possibilities. Its different variations make it a star exercise for anyone regardless of their physical condition. It allows for great evolution and very obvious results. However, there are some errors that are frequently repeated and that should be corrected. Today we will talk about five of them. Be aware of this in order to achieve good technique and start achieving your goals today.

Although doing squats seems easy, it is common to make certain mistakes . If we are not aware of them and we repeat them over time, we are likely to end up developing a bad technique that limits our progress. The first step to correct them is to be aware of them and put a stop to them as soon as possible. Today we will tell you about the five most common ones. Do you identify with any of them? It's time to improve your technique and achieve success!

5 Common Mistakes When Doing Squats

Do not reach ninety degrees of squat

It is not necessary to do a deep squat if you are not good enough to control it. Being careful is necessary to avoid hurting yourself or messing up the movement. However, you must go down a little so that the muscles are activated and the work is effective. To do this, try to bend your knees until they form a ninety-degree angle. Hold for a couple of seconds and start ascending to the initial position.

Tilt your torso

It is necessary to keep your back long and your torso open and up. Slouching or leaning your torso forward will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. The moment you shift your weight forward, the muscles are deactivated and do not work. You may experience greater ease of movement if you make this mistake, but it is useless to be able to do a hundred squats in a row if you do not do them well.

Turn your knees on the descent

Just as your back needs to be strong, sturdy and stable, your knees need to be kept aligned and in place. Many people bring their knees together when lowering or let them fall inward . Not only will you be squatting ineffectively, but you could be hurting yourself and causing injury to the joint. Remember, squatting requires a firm and stable body . Once you achieve that feeling, then it's time to lower yourself without relaxing at any time until you finish the set.

Lift your heels off the floor

It is better to go step by step effectively than to rush into the movement without technique. Separate your feet a little more than hip-width apart, make sure that the soles of your feet are firmly planted on the floor and imagine that your feet are stuck together so that you cannot move or lift them. There are people who, when doing squats, raise their heels off the floor. No! Wrong! This way you are putting the weight on your ankles and knees, which puts them at risk. In addition, the gluteal muscles are completely deactivated and therefore do not work. Concentrate and feel the stability and weight in their place.

Not progressing when doing squats

If you feel comfortable doing classic squats, don't settle for repeating the same routine over and over again. Maybe it's time to innovate with other variations, including jumps, weight or resistance. Challenge yourself and you'll achieve not only a more complete workout, but also a more dynamic, fun and rewarding workout. If there's one thing squats can do, it's an increase in intensity and a noticeable evolution. Set goals, overcome challenges and make your glutes and legs burn!

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