Benefits of jumping rope

Mar 23, 2021AMIX STORE
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More and more people are becoming interested in an activity that many have known since childhood. Jumping rope is a very common game for children from a very early age. However, it is surprising how many benefits are concentrated in this discipline, so fun and valuable for achieving different objectives , both physical, mental and emotional. Today we are going to talk about the benefits of jumping rope. Do you do it now? Did you do it as a child? If your answers are “no” and “yes” respectively, maybe it is time to take it up again! Are you up for it?

If there is one aspect that can further reinforce the idea of ​​training, it is having a great time while doing it. Having a training routine is not an option, but a responsibility to yourself and your health. Jumping rope brings together different keys that make it a highly recommended activity. You surely spent a lot of time jumping rope in your childhood... why not take it up again and add extra value to your sports routine? Fun, effectiveness and guaranteed results! What more could you ask for?

Benefits of jumping rope

Jumping rope is a very complete exercise , since it works both the upper and lower body at the same time and without you even realizing it. But in addition, the work has an impact on the body both at a muscular and aerobic level. And while it is an excellent cardio activity that favors the burning of calories , it also works the muscles in a global way.

On the other hand, jumping rope improves speed, endurance, coordination and a sense of rhythm. Something that no one believes they need, but many will change their mind when they try to jump rope again. We often think that we have different physical abilities under control… until we put them to the test! Jumping rope can be an isolated activity, but it can also be an ideal complement to your training aimed at different objectives , as well as the best warm-up.

On a mental level, jumping rope requires great perseverance and dedication. It is logical that you will not get the jumps right on the first try, especially if you try to do certain more demanding variations. However, that is where the real wealth lies, in the ability to continue until you find the necessary fluidity and mastery. As they say, patience is a great virtue and, in this context, it makes more sense than ever. Physical and mental strength work equally in this fun, but strict, activity.

In conclusion…

  1. It tones and strengthens the muscles , improves body posture and increases agility, jumping power and speed.
  2. It allows for a high calorie burn if practiced at a good pace and consistently. The higher the intensity, the greater the expenditure. Try double jumps!
  3. It significantly improves cardiovascular performance, which greatly benefits the health of your heart.
  4. Overall body workout. Jumping rope involves the muscles in general and, therefore, works both the upper and lower body in a complete and very efficient way.
  5. It increases endurance capacity in a very remarkable way.
  6. This is a perfect type of exercise to improve coordination . When you think you have mastered it, try adding more complex jumps and test this skill again.
  7. It reduces accumulated tension and helps reduce stress , providing pleasant sensations of well-being by releasing endorphins. In this sense, it facilitates a quality rest afterwards and combats insomnia, promoting relaxation.

jump rope

Other basic considerations

In addition to all these benefits, we can add great advantages, such as the possibility of starting at any time without the need for previous experience. The important thing is not the beginning, but the progress and the learning. Furthermore, it is a discipline that can be carried out very comfortably anywhere, since the rope is very easy to transport and you can take it with you wherever you go.

Are there any contraindications? In this regard, we would like to point out that this is a high-impact exercise that can be aggressive for the joints in certain cases, especially in people who suffer from a previous pathology. If you are not particularly advised to stop practicing, remember to use appropriate footwear, listen to your body's sensations and practice responsibly. Let's jump, family!


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