Alejandra Olivera: “Bodybuilding taught me that I set the limits”

Mar 24, 2021AMIX STORE
alejandra olivera

Today we talk to a strong, determined woman who is clear about everything that bodybuilding has brought her. Many of our athletes discover their discipline at a time of change or in order to find themselves. Alejandra Olivera tells us how bodybuilding has changed her life and how grateful she feels for it . When we feel lost, there is no choice but to take action. There are many ways to do it and Alejandra did it through training. Do you want to know more about her? Keep reading!

There are many ways to achieve success at all levels, but passion undoubtedly plays a fundamental role. When we find what really moves us inside, we just have to take advantage of it and acquire the learning it offers us. Alejandra Olivera has told us what led her to start training and what bodybuilding has given her to end up dedicating herself to it. In addition, there are many changes she has experienced in herself: “Bodybuilding taught me everything. Everything that today does me so much good and that I need so much.”

Getting to know Alejandra Olivera…

When did you get into bodybuilding?

I was probably eighteen or nineteen when I started training. Due to personal problems, I suffered from anxiety, among other things. I went to the psychologist and they all offered me the same thing: the patch. One day I decided to try the gym and, being a competitive girl, it not only changed my life but I completely fell in love with it.

What does bodybuilding bring to you?

It gives me coherence, stability and peace of mind. Before I was very disorganized, irregular in what I did, not routine… and bodybuilding taught me everything. Everything that today does me so much good and that I need so much. It may sound cliché, but it taught me that I set the limits. What it gives me, furthermore, I extrapolate it to any area of ​​life. But bodybuilding taught me, above all, to love myself.

Your 3 Amix must-haves are…

Iso HD CFM protein (or IsoPrimeCFM ), MAPs and creatine . Those are my three staples all year round.

Alejandra: “I wasn’t aware of it until they gave me the medal”

Do you remember any competition with special affection?

Pff… difficult! I have several, but perhaps the Olympia in Portugal in 2018. It was the first time I competed in a senior category as a junior and I won gold. At the time I wasn’t aware of it, until they gave me the medal. But leaving that aside, my mother and my best friend were with me. Seeing them cry with emotion and seeing how proud they were, is something that cannot be paid for with money… Also on that trip I met people who are very important to me.

What are your plans for 2021?

I honestly don't know competitively. I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen with the Covid issue. But I'm planning to prepare for the second season with Ángel López.

Do you have any habits before going on stage?

Haha… not that I know of. Laying down with my headphones on, shutting out the world, eating and sleeping.

We have no doubt that Alejandra Olivera will achieve everything she sets her mind to. Her strength, passion and determination are evident in a brief conversation that is undoubtedly inspiring. Go for it, champion!

Alejandra Olivera's achievements

Junior gold at the 2018 Galician regional
Junior gold in northern Spain 2018
Junior gold at the 2018 national championship
Sixth place in Junior Olympia Alicante 2018
Senior gold at Olympia Portugal 2018
Junior silver medalist at Olympia Portugal 2018
Bronze in senior category at Olympia Italia 2018

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