Antonio Campoy: “K1 gives me discipline, confidence, humility…”

Jan 27, 2021AMIX STORE
antonio campoy

Our athlete of today is a real inspiration with great projects and future prospects. Antonio Campoy has, among others, the title of Professional Catalan Kickboxing Champion and European K1 Champion and is twice Professional Spanish Kickboxing Champion. At just four years old, he started taking taekwondo classes, which led him to become interested in boxing and, later, to try a kickboxing session that revealed a great future for him. Let's find out more about him!

If there is one thing that Antonio Campoy is clear about, it is that kickboxing has given him a lot of discipline: “without it I would not have achieved anything in this sport.” He told us that when he decided to try it, at about fifteen years old, he loved the “combination of handling hands and legs” and he assures that “confidence or humility, among many other positive things” are some of the great rewards of dedicating himself to it . In addition, he has revealed to us which competition he remembers most fondly and his plans for 2021…

Getting to know Antonio Campoy better…

When did you start in K1?

I started taekwondo when I was four and, through my uncle, I became very interested in boxing. When I was about fifteen, they were doing kickboxing at the gym where I was training taekwondo and I saw it. I tried a class and loved the combination of using hands and legs.

What does K1 bring to your life?

A lot of discipline, because without it I would not have achieved anything in this sport, confidence, humility and a host of positive things.

Your 3 Amix must-haves are…

My Multi Mega with breakfast gives me the vitamins I need for the whole day; BCAA + glutamine for a good recovery; and my protein shakes to recover from muscle wear after a physical workout.

Antonio Campoy: “I made a promise to win that fight and I won it”

Which competition do you remember most fondly?

My first professional Spanish championship, as it was a promise I made to a friend who, unfortunately, is no longer with me. I made a promise to win that fight and I won it.

What are your plans for 2021?

Right now we are preparing a fight against an opponent from Armenia, so I am focusing on this one only. But it is true that this year I would like to step into the ring of Glory Kickboxing again, which is currently the best kickboxing promoter in the world.

Do you have any quirks before getting into the ring?

I always make the sign of the cross and listen to my flamenco music.

We wish our athlete all the success in the world, and hope he continues to give his all as he has done up until now, proving that discipline and hard work have great rewards.

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