Summer is here and with the heat many people may experience the sensation of tired legs. Although there are various causes that provoke this discomfort, there are certain habits that can be very useful to reduce them. Today we give you some tips to relieve tired legs that will surely be very useful!
Hereditary issues, a sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, spending too much time in the same position, being overweight or circulatory problems can all cause leg discomfort. These are experienced through heaviness, tingling, pressure, tiredness, swelling, itching or even cramps. Although this does not necessarily indicate a serious health problem, it is advisable that if you suffer from it intensely, either frequently or in specific cases, you consult a specialist who can rule out other causes.
Rising temperatures can often lead to tired legs, making it difficult to perform our tasks and putting a strain on our body. There are different habits that can effectively improve the situation, promoting physical well-being and contributing to your productivity and daily performance.
Tips to relieve tired legs
Legs up to relieve tired legs
If you start to notice discomfort in your legs at the end of your day, such as heaviness or swelling, don't panic! Especially if you spend too many hours in the same position, whether standing or sitting, you are likely to experience certain symptoms. Lying down and raising your legs, resting them against a wall, stimulates circulation and significantly reduces discomfort. If you make it a daily habit when you get home, you will feel lighter.
Too many hours in the same position? HIT PAUSE!
However, if you are forced to spend many hours in the same position, you should get into the habit of getting up and moving your body every hour or so . Stand up, walk around, do joint mobility exercises in a relaxed manner and don't let your body suffer the consequences of involuntary sedentarism. If you stick to this habit, the sensation of tired legs when you get home will not be so bothersome or will even disappear.
Exercise no matter what, there are no excuses!
It's not a question of whether you like to train or not, it's a matter of necessity and responsibility towards your body. It's not worth demanding that it respond to all our demands if, on the other hand, we are not working it, mobilizing it and, ultimately, taking care of it. Whether you go to the gym or train at home, find your motivation to train. If you can't for whatever reason, go out and enjoy a long walk (with breaks) that allows you to cover the minimum recommended activity.
Cold showers, a magic remedy
Finish your shower with a few minutes of cold water. Not only does this improve circulation and help relieve tired legs, but it also provides a great feeling of well-being afterwards. If you find it difficult to shower with cold water, at least hold it on your legs for a few seconds. Hot-cold contrast showers are also very beneficial. Don't go crazy if you're not used to it, but don't be afraid either!
Ascending massages
After your shower, massage your legs in circular, upward movements . You can use some natural oil or a cold cream, which will further enhance your goal of achieving light legs. Don't skip this step and you will see not only an improvement in symptoms, but also in the condition and appearance of your skin, as well as a reduction in fluid retention and cellulite.
Hydrate yourself enough
Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day . In summer our needs increase and we must not ignore them. If you find it difficult to drink water, opt for natural juices, fruit smoothies, vegetable broths (let them cool) or cold infusions. Make sure you are paying attention to this aspect, as it will contribute to proper blood circulation and relieve tired legs.
Comfortable clothing to relieve tired legs
Make the most of the summer by wearing cool, loose clothing . Wearing tight clothing that constricts your body hinders proper blood circulation and can cause, among other symptoms, a feeling of heaviness in your legs and swelling. Get comfortable and enjoy!
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