Tips to avoid snacking between meals

Jul 01, 2020AMIX STORE
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There are many reasons why we may snack between meals. Being aware that we do it, and that we don't need to, will provide us with some basic tools to control the situation and help us successfully achieve the goals we set for ourselves. If you feel that you often have trouble controlling the temptation to eat at odd times, discover some tips to avoid snacking and stay firm on the path to the goal. Remember that to cross it, you need conviction, discipline and perseverance. Do you meet the requirements?

Each person is different and has their own circumstances. Therefore, it is impossible to determine a single reason that induces snacking. However, there are certain patterns that are often repeated and knowing them can make a difference in our daily lives. Below we will tell you some tips to avoid snacking between meals. Remember that changing certain habits is not an easy task, however, it is necessary to take care of our health, increase well-being and take control of the situation. Which tip do you identify with the most?

Tips to avoid snacking between meals

Correct organization of the diet

If you snack because you are truly hungry, you may need to pay more attention to the quality of your diet. It's not about stuffing yourself to the point of bursting with each meal, but rather about feeling satisfied enough to not need additional meals. If you eat five meals, eat five. Plan each one and create a nutritional plan that meets your needs. If you feel fatigue, lack of energy, are constantly hungry or suspect that you may suffer from a nutritional deficiency, go to a professional, clear up your doubts and organize your meals. Investing in this area is a very smart decision that will help you improve yourself on a daily basis.

Distinguish between anxiety and hunger

Once you've ruled out the possibility of under-eating, it's essential that you learn to distinguish between hunger and anxiety. While hunger appears gradually and is flexible when it comes to choosing foods, anxiety appears suddenly with very specific needs . Both have notable differences between them and knowing them will help you anticipate their appearance. To find out what it is about, you can consult our post Differences between hunger and anxiety

Optimal purchase

There is undoubtedly one premise that never fails. And that is that if you don't have options to snack on at home, you won't do it . Make a healthy purchase by sticking to your diet exactly. If your nutritional plan is measured and suited to your needs, fill the pantry and the refrigerator with the necessary foods in the right quantities. Why else? Give yourself permission to indulge in healthy treats and leave the rest out. A healthy lifestyle requires discipline and sacrifice. This doesn't mean that it is full of restrictions, but it is essential to make smart decisions and always opt for homemade and healthy alternatives.

Healthy snacking

Everyone feels the need for indulgences or sweet options from time to time. Nobody says that they can't be satisfied. However, doing so in line with our healthy principles is important. To do this, make your own sweets and desserts instead of buying ultra-processed products loaded with sugar. Let your creativity fly and bring out the cook in you. You'll be surprised how much your life can change once you take control of your meals and see how truly delicious different healthy and fit recipes can be. Nothing to envy!

Sufficient hydration to avoid snacking

Not taking care of the need for good hydration, apart from harming your general health, can create the sensation of hunger. When you feel the need to snack between meals, opt for drinking a glass of water or go for some infusion. It is likely that if what you felt was not really hungry, after drinking and hydrating you will feel more satisfied and will not need to reach for the fridge.

Satisfaction in everyday life

Anxiety about eating and snacking between meals is often caused by a lack of satisfaction in everyday life. In this sense, you should pay more attention to the emotional level and not so much to the more superficial tips. If you think that some internal issue is leading you to compulsive eating, try to work on it or seek the necessary help to solve it effectively.

Other aspects to avoid snacking between meals

Plan ahead when you are going to spend the day away from home and bring your menu and the necessary resources with you to satisfy your appetite in a healthy and orderly manner.

Even if you eat out, make sure you meet your basic needs. Choose healthy alternatives that will satisfy you and keep you from snacking soon afterward.

Get active and say goodbye to boredom. This may be the reason why we wander around the kitchen and end up reaching for the pantry. If you get bored, tidy up the cupboards, go for a walk or a run, meditate, exercise… but don't snack if your body doesn't need food.

Meditate before you indulge in something. Breathe, pay attention to your body and its real needs, drink water, take a walk...

No industrial baked goods or other options with little or no nutritional value. These create a feeling of satiety, but this quickly disappears.

Advocate mindfoodness. Pay full attention to food and what surrounds it! When you eat, do so with full awareness. Observe each bite without distractions and visualize eating it. Do it comfortably and chew calmly. This will help you to be aware of the role that food plays in the functioning of the body.

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