Discover 12 foods that stimulate muscle growth

Feb 12, 2024AMIX STORE
Alimentos que estimulan el crecimiento muscular

Do you aim to improve your body by gaining volume and toning your muscles? The combination of an adequate diet, sports supplementation and specific training is key to achieving this. Foods that stimulate muscle growth should be part of your regular diet in an optimal balance .

Choosing the right foods is essential, but you should also pay attention to the quantity, the way of preparing them and the right time of day to consume them. The quality of the diet and the macronutrient intake that a person consumes is decisive for the production of hormones that are so important for gaining muscle, such as testosterone, insulin and cortisol.

Combining foods that stimulate muscle growth with the right supplementation will help you achieve better results in less time. You can find growth stimulants at to choose the ones that will help you meet your fitness goals.

Foods that stimulate muscle growth: top 12

1 – Milk

Milk protein helps you gain muscle mass. In addition, its moderate contribution of fats and carbohydrates is also interesting, since it facilitates the maintenance of glycogen reserves in the muscles. You can use it as a base for your shakes by adding whey protein.

2 – Extra virgin olive oil

Eating the right amount of monounsaturated fats on a daily basis helps stimulate protein production. As you already know, these are essential for building muscle. Plus, it has the added benefit of increasing insulin sensitivity in the muscles themselves.

3 – Spinach

You're probably thinking of Popeye and how he grew his muscles by eating a can of spinach. Although it may sound funny, the truth is that this green leafy vegetable is very rich in glutamine , which helps develop muscle mass.

A study from Edith Cowan University in Australia supports the daily consumption of green leafy vegetables and their role in stimulating muscle function.

4 – Garlic

When you think of foods that stimulate muscle growth, you may not have thought that garlic was on the list, but it is very valuable for this purpose thanks to its richness in the natural compound allicin , which helps increase the production of testosterone in the body and reduce cortisol . Thus, it contributes to the increase of muscle mass.

5 – Almond

In fact, all nuts are foods that stimulate muscle growth, but almonds are the ones that have the most vitamin E , followed closely by hazelnuts. It is a key nutrient for muscle recovery after exercising to develop muscle mass. In addition, it is richer in protein .

You can eat them as is, in a natural cream or in other foods such as mueslis or energy bars.

6 – Meat

It is the food that provides the most protein. It is not an option if you follow a vegan diet, but if you are an omnivore, combining lean meat with protein supplements is a good option. It is not advisable to abuse red meat, but in adequate amounts it is interesting to combine it with white meat.

Those with the highest percentage of protein per 100 grams are horse meat, followed by turkey, rabbit, quail, deer and duck. Behind, but very close behind, are beef and chicken.


7 – Legumes

They are a good source of protein, carbohydrates, amino acids and minerals . Chickpeas, red beans and lentils are among the foods that provide the most protein to the muscles. They are also rich in antioxidants that help muscle recovery and help control insulin production.

8 – Eggs

In addition to the richness of high biological value protein in egg white, which helps stimulate muscle growth, it is a food rich in leucine , key to muscle recovery.

9 – Tuna

Along with salmon, it is one of the fish richest in protein and omega-3 essential fatty acids . Both fish are foods that stimulate muscle growth.

10 – Sunflower seeds

They are rich in zinc, which helps increase testosterone levels , and in Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant . They are also a good source of vegetable protein.

11 – Broccoli

This vegetable is a good stimulant of muscle growth thanks to its natural richness in sulforaphane . This compound reduces the production of myostatin , the hormone that limits muscle mass, and is also rich in zinc.

12 -Pineapple

Pineapple is rich in bromelain , an enzyme that promotes the regeneration of muscle fiber and helps digest proteins. Therefore, it is a good food in a diet to gain muscle.

As you can see, you have a lot of delicious and healthy options to include in your diet thanks to all these foods that stimulate muscle growth. Which one is your favorite?

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