What types of protein supplements are there?

Feb 16, 2024AMIX STORE
tipos de suplementos proteicos

There are currently different types of protein supplements and the most well-known way of classifying them is by their origin and method of obtaining them . Although they are all proteins and are necessary for the body, the differences influence issues such as their absorption speed .

What types of protein supplements exist:

Although they are essential in sports supplementation, not all types of protein supplements that exist are exclusively for athletes. Protein is also key to health care and maintaining the body in optimal condition at any age.

However, let's focus on the types of protein supplements for athletes , their differences and benefits. You can find AMIX™ supplements and proteins for athletes and complement your diet with them.

Whey Proteins

Whey proteins, also known as whey proteins, are obtained from milk serum. That is, from the liquid part obtained when milk is coagulated to make cheese or butter.

This liquid contains a large amount of essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids, the popular BCAAs . Therefore, they are protein supplements that contribute to muscle repair and recovery .


They are taken during training or with the post-workout shake. They can be of various types, with a different concentration of proteins, from least to most: concentrated, isolated and hydrolyzed. A little further on in this same article, you will see them in more detail.

Egg proteins

Egg protein is of high biological value . Protein supplements whose source is egg are also known as albumins .

Its main benefit is that the body absorbs this type of protein very well, so the use is excellent. In addition, its release is sequential , this means that once you take it, the body absorbs it progressively. In this way, regardless of the time at which you take it, it reaches the bloodstream little by little.

It is perfect to take at night to promote muscle growth and repair during sleep.

Vegetable proteins

They are plant-based proteins, the ideal type of protein supplement for vegetarians and vegans . The main sources from which they are obtained are soy and peas, along with rice and hemp, although they are not the only ones.

They contain the amino acids that the body needs and, according to existing studies, there is no difference in their absorption and treatment in the body compared to those of animal origin.


It is a milk protein obtained through a slow release process. Its main differences with respect to whey protein are its lower content in BCAA amino acids and the fact that the absorption of casein by the body is also slower.

This is why it is suitable to take at night combined with other foods and to be released while you sleep. In this way it contributes to muscle regeneration, as well as to building and strengthening muscle mass .

Hydrolyzed protein supplements

They are partially broken down proteins to facilitate, promote and speed up their absorption in the body.

We could say that they have gone through a pre-digestion process that separates their molecules , making their digestion easier. Therefore, when taken, they pass through the body sooner, which can use them in less time, reducing the wait between ingestion and use. That is why these types of protein supplements are ideal for taking post-workout.

Although the best known is hydrolyzed whey protein, it can also be obtained from other sources, such as meat, for example.

Isolated protein supplements

It is known as isolated protein, isolated or isolated . It is a very pure type of protein, a whey protein isolate. On average it can contain between 90% and 95% protein, so it has a very low fat and carbohydrate content.

Its price is higher because its concentration and purity is higher. It can be taken as a pre-workout aid, during the workout or in a post-workout shake. You can also take it with your meals throughout the day.


Sequential release protein

This type of protein supplement contains proteins from different sources and with different absorption speeds: slow and fast . Thus, it is released at different times and progressively.

Multifunctional proteins

They are also known as moonlighting proteins and perform several autonomous functions in a single peptide chain. Their regulatory flexibility and ability to catalyze different reactions makes them unique.

You already know what types of protein supplements exist and, as you can see, there are many, so you have to find the most suitable ones for you, your type of training and your diet .

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