Using supplements to prevent muscle injuries

Apr 24, 2024AMIX STORE
suplementos para evitar lesiones musculares

One of the concerns of athletes is getting injured and it is understandable and logical that they explore and evaluate all possible forms of prevention. Something that many people do not know is that the use of supplements to avoid muscle injuries is totally recommended and we want to tell you why.

There are various sports supplements that contribute to the prevention of muscle injuries. It cannot be said that they prevent injuries with 100% effectiveness because there are too many factors involved . But it can be said that they have properties and benefits that minimize the probability of suffering an injury.

Supplements to prevent muscle injuries: keys

It is important to know what supplements to prevent muscle injuries exist and what kind of help they provide in this regard. This will help you choose the right ones for you.

Vitamin D in supplements

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the good condition of the musculoskeletal system. It is well known that vitamin D is key to maintaining good bone mass. Less well known, but no less important, is its contribution to preventing muscle injuries, something that every athlete should take into account.

The optimal amount of vitamin D in the body helps reduce fatigue , strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory effects that prevent joint overload .

It also helps regulate phosphorus levels and calcium absorption . This minimizes the risk of bone injuries because it strengthens and keeps bone structures in good condition. It reduces the risk of muscle injuries because it regulates the transmission of nerve impulses that control muscle contraction .

BCAA and glutamine to accelerate muscle recovery and minimize the risk of injury


Sports supplementation to improve, accelerate and promote muscle recovery is key to preventing muscle injuries. The synergy between BCAA and glutamine increases endurance and delays fatigue while helping to quickly and effectively regenerate muscle tissue damaged by demanding physical exercise. All of this makes recovery faster and more effective.

That is why BCAA and glutamine are often recommended to be taken after training as a supplement to prevent muscle injuries and for better recovery.

Protein to repair tissues and prevent muscle injuries

Whey protein helps repair muscle fibers that have been damaged during intense physical exercise. This repair returns them to their optimal state to prevent the damage from increasing and causing an injury when training continues in subsequent days.

Hydration to prevent injuries

Hydration is key to recovery. During and after exercise, it is necessary to provide the body with the water and electrolytes lost in order to reduce muscle damage and speed up recovery.

Supplements for preparing isotonic drinks or recovery drinks contribute to the prevention of muscle injuries.

Antioxidant supplements for athletes

Antioxidant sports supplements reduce oxidative stress and muscle inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of muscle injury. They also speed up and improve muscle recovery, which also contributes to a lower likelihood of muscle tissue injury.

Collagen to reduce the risk of injury

A lack of collagen in the body can cause problems such as joint stiffness and pain, reducing the elasticity and flexibility of muscles. It is also one of the reasons for the appearance of inflammatory processes such as arthritis and tendonitis.

Collagen supplements are already broken down in the body into their simplest amino acids, improving digestion and passing more easily into the bloodstream, where the cells can obtain it when they need it.

Hyaluronic acid

hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is part of the glycosaminoglycans. It is involved in the processes of self-regulation and maintenance of the composition of muscle tissue . It also helps to retain water, which helps to ensure optimal tissue hydration, which is so important for athletes. All of this helps to prevent muscle injuries.

In addition, it helps nourish and lubricate the cartilage , which improves the prevention of pain and discomfort in the knees.

Magnesium, one of the most studied supplements to prevent muscle injuries

The mineral is a very important nutrient in sports supplementation. Among its benefits is the prevention of muscle injuries by being a precursor to the formation of collagen , helping to reduce stress that accelerates the destruction of muscle tissue and preventing the appearance of muscle cramps.

What supplements do you take?

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