Full Body Routine with Leo Cámara

Nov 25, 2020AMIX STORE
Rutina Full Body con Leo Cámara

As you already know, there are different ways to train and one of them is exercising the entire body in a single session. Today we bring you a Full Body routine by Leo Cámara that will put your different abilities to the test. And dedicating a workout to the body in a global way has great advantages and benefits that you should not overlook. Do you dare to do this effective and dynamic Full Body routine? Go for it and tell us your impressions!

Full Body Routine, Test Yourself!

If you are interested in learning more about this type of routine, you can check out our post on the Benefits of Full Body Training. Among them, we can highlight a great optimization of physical work time by involving the muscles in general. Likewise, it is ideal to get closer to the different objectives, whether in increasing strength or muscle mass, or in losing fat. They are routines based on multi-joint exercises that, in addition to improving our physical condition and optimizing different skills, are suitable for people with more or less experience. These can be adapted to individual conditions and allow progress as the basic notions, physical form and adequate technique are acquired.

The Full Body routine that we are showing you today with Leo Cámara is designed to perform 15 repetitions of each exercise for four sets. Remember that it is possible to adapt it to your level by adding or subtracting intensity depending on your needs.

Get excited about this routine and get your body moving! Don't forget to take some time to stretch after the exercises and allow your body to get back to normal after practice. Finish the health session by drinking your Amix protein shake and notice how, step by step, you are getting closer to achieving your goals. Go for it!

And you, do you exercise a lot but find it difficult to lose fat? Try to complement your sports plan with one of Amix's fat burners .

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