Many people want to do a really effective workout that works their glutes in a noticeable way. In this context, there are those who create a detailed plan based on squats that will undoubtedly put their butt in its place… However, it is common to forget an exercise that can be even more effective than the famous squats and their great variations . Do you know what a Hip Thrust is and how to perform it? We are going to talk about this star exercise that should not be missing, under any circumstances, in your glute routines.
No one doubts the effectiveness of including an exercise as basic and effective as squats in a routine aimed at working the glutes. We must do it! The good news? There is the possibility of combining different exercises, managing to escape monotony, testing our abilities and building a much more complete routine. In this sense, the Hip Thrust may be the exercise you were looking for. Why? Because it requires a great activation of the gluteus, especially the gluteus maximus, it can be performed practically anywhere and, in addition, it is possible to add weight depending on the needs.
What is Hip Thrust?
Strengthening the gluteus is very important beyond any aesthetic issue. For health reasons, working this muscle will help you to have a correct posture and will significantly optimize your capabilities , allowing greater functionality and independence over time. Whether you are a very sporty and experienced person in the field, or if you are just starting out, directing part of your routine to this area is a priority.
The Hip Thrust is an exercise that can be performed at different intensities depending on each individual circumstance. To do this, you must find a stable surface, such as a chair, bench or sofa, for example, and support your back just below the shoulder blades . The feet should be separated at the width of the hips and the knees bent at a 90-degree angle. To achieve this, they must be aligned with the heels at the time of lifting. The exercise consists of raising the hips focusing the activation on the glutes, holding for a couple of seconds and returning to the initial position.
To increase the intensity of the Hip Thrust, you can gradually add and increase the weight and place it on your hips. If this is uncomfortable, place a towel between your body and the weight for added cushioning. Another way to make it more difficult is to hold yourself up for longer, perform the lift on a single supporting leg, or use an unstable base such as a fitball.
Some benefits of the Hip Thrust…
Glute activation , especially the gluteus maximus and medius
Increase in gluteal strength and volume
Core involvement and work
Relieves back pain , especially in the lumbar region
Optimizes body posture, reducing the risk of associated ailments
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