2020 is about to end and with the new year comes new projects and goals for everyone. Today we dedicate our post to Pablo García, a bodybuilding professional who started in 2012 at just 16 years old. Today he is 24 and has very clear goals to evolve in his career, continue developing and give his all in this field that, as he tells us, has “helped him to commit more to life in general and to himself”. Let's learn more about his career and the reasons that made him establish his first contact in this exciting world.
Each of our athletes has a story of personal improvement and sacrifice. There are those who started for a specific reason and those who did it by chance. However, most of them agree on one thing and that is that when they had that first contact, they knew that it was the path they wanted to follow. This is the case of Pablo García: “When I picked up the first dumbbell I said, this is my thing and since then I have not stopped.”
Getting to know Pablo García better…
When did you get into bodybuilding?
I started when I was 16 (2012) and I'm currently 24. I was very thin and wanted to gain muscle mass. The good thing was when I picked up the first dumbbell. I said "this is my thing" and, since then, I haven't stopped. Until I had been training for three years, I didn't know what bodybuilding was, I trained because I liked it. Once I started getting strong, I became curious about competing, but I had a car accident that stopped me for quite a while. In 2018, I competed for the first time in Junior bodybuilding.
What does bodybuilding bring to you?
I think bodybuilding brings values and responsibilities that many people don't have in their daily lives. Personally, it has helped me to be more committed to life in general and to myself.
What Amix supplements are essential in your daily routine?
My favorites are IsoPrime CFM , Creatine monohydrate and MAPS
Which competition do you remember most fondly?
The first one was because it had been just two years since I had the accident and it was an uncontrollable explosion of emotions. Although the one I enjoyed the most was the Barcelona Championship, when I won a championship for the first time.
Any quirks before going up on stage?
Yes… I don’t like to talk to anyone, I just want to be calm and visualize my performance.
What are your plans for 2021?
I want to keep growing. I am currently in the bulking phase. I finished competing in 2019 and that is when I finished my Junior stage. When I make the jump to Senior I have to gain a lot of size and I am preparing for it and competing in 2022.
We wish our athlete every success, and hope he continues to meet his goals and obtain the expected and deserved results. Let's go all out in this new year!
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