Tips to avoid Christmas excesses

Dec 29, 2020AMIX STORE
Tips para evitar los excesos navideños

We are in the middle of the Christmas holidays and many people find it difficult to avoid giving in to certain temptations. While it is true that we have to enjoy ourselves, and indulging in the occasional treat is part of that, staying focused on a healthy lifestyle is essential. Only in this way will we be able to continue moving forward on the path to our goals instead of stagnating or even going backwards. Discover some tips to avoid Christmas excesses and get things back on track in time. A positive attitude in the face of everything!

Well, family, we've already made it halfway through this atypical Christmas season... We still have New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and the Night of the Kings ahead of us... Will we be able to stay strong? Of course we will! Falling into some excesses is normal and logical, taking into account that a wide range of delicious options opens up before us, much wider than usual. The first thing you should keep in mind is that regrets are worthless. We should not feel bad, but be able to make smart decisions and continue to take care of our health and goals . Below we give you some tips to avoid Christmas excesses. Are you interested, right? Well, keep reading!

10 Tips to avoid Christmas excesses

  1. Save time for special lunches and dinners. Not every day is a holiday at Christmas, so get back into your routine and relax a little more during key events.
  2. Continue with your usual number of meals, snacking at all hours is not recommended!
  3. Eat mindfully so that you can better listen to your body and know when it is full. At this point, you don't need to eat more or repeat!
  4. Having chocolates and nougats in front of you doesn't force you to go for them . Do you really feel like it? Go for it, but not just out of inertia! Be aware of your decisions.
  5. Prepare your own healthy recipes, you will be sure to eat clean and delicious at the same time.
  6. Continue to invest in quality rest. You will enjoy the holidays more and make the most of them when you are rested. Don't test your endurance in this regard or it will take its toll!
  7. Don't forget that fruits and vegetables should always be present in your diet. Don't leave them aside!
  8. Drink plenty of water and reserve alcoholic drinks for toasts or special occasions. Alcohol has many more negative consequences than positive effects, we assure you!
  9. Try drinking infusions that help facilitate your digestion and increase your well-being in every sense.
  10. Of course, continue with your exercise routine . It is the only way to compensate for excesses and not make you go backwards. In addition, it brings you well-being, releases stress typical of Christmas and helps you enjoy an effective rest. If you want to know more, check out our post Why continue training at Christmas?

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