3 Ways to Stretch the Pectoral Muscles

Jun 22, 2020AMIX STORE
Estirar el pectoral

Stretching is part of the sports routine and we should not overlook it. Many people rush out of the gym when they finish their training exercises, forgetting that their body needs attention to recover optimally and thus respond to future demands successfully . Today we will tell you 3 ways to stretch the pectoral muscles. Did you know them?

Many people want their body to give its all in training, to respond to demands and be able to achieve specific results. However, when it comes to paying attention to its needs, they do little. Stretching the muscles, becoming aware of one's body and taking care of it is essential not only to achieve the goals we set ourselves, but also to avoid injuries and ensure that the changes are long-lasting.

The pectoral muscle is a large muscle and if it is shortened, it can not only limit movement but also lead to an incorrect body posture. Stretching allows you to maintain optimal muscle health . Doing so after training promotes effective muscle recovery and gradually returns it to normal, relaxing it and preventing shortening. Below we offer you 3 ways to stretch the pectoral muscle that are also simple and can be done at any time and place. You have no excuse to justify neglecting the health of your body. If you take care of it, it will respond more efficiently to intensity and will translate into more evident and profound results. What are you waiting for?

3 Very Effective Stretching Exercises


Stand on all fours in front of a fitball and place both hands on it. Move the ball far enough away so that you can keep your elbows extended and your hips in line with your knees . Keep your head between your arms and look down at the floor as you try to roll the ball forward. You should feel a stretch in your chest, but never feel discomfort or pain. Hold for a few seconds. Roll back again to rest, take a deep breath, and repeat the stretch.


Grab a high-intensity resistance band, hold one end in each hand, extend your arms and bring them back, rotating them over your head. Try to push yourself to the limit and if you find it easy, reduce the distance between your hands and the tensioning element. Observe your body's capabilities and gradually work your way up to more intense results. Improving this aspect will give you comfort, functionality and greater freedom of movement. All advantages!


Find a column (or a tree trunk or a corner) and stand next to it. Bring one arm to the side, resting your hand on the column at a height slightly below the shoulder. Rotate your body to the opposite side, feeling the resistance in the movement . It is a very efficient way of stretching the pectoral muscles that also allows you to vary the position of your body in search of the desired sensations. Hold for a few seconds and change arms. If you do this regularly, it is only a matter of time before you begin to notice the great difference and evolution. Each time, a greater range of movement translates into a higher quality of life and comfort.

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