3 Stretches to take care of your cervical spine

Jul 13, 2020AMIX STORE
3 Estiramientos para cuidar tus cervicales

Some habits, such as spending many hours in front of the computer, can cause certain discomforts and pains. Nowadays, many people are more sedentary than they would like for various reasons and it is very important to counteract this situation with activity and stretching. Today we propose 3 simple exercises to take care of your cervical vertebrae, reduce pain once it has appeared or even prevent it from occurring. Discover them and include them in your routine. They are very basic and can make a difference! Are you up for it?

There are several causes that can lead to mild discomfort or more intense back pain. Stress, accumulated tension, poor posture habits, lack of rest or a sedentary lifestyle are some of the most common circumstances that can lead to this situation. Identifying them and adopting measures to compensate for them is very necessary to avoid the appearance of symptoms. These can vary from mild to really intense, sometimes becoming incapacitating for the normal development of the routine.

One of the measures that we can adopt and that is also really simple and effective is to do stretching exercises. Incorporating them into our daily routine can relieve tension and alleviate the discomfort that occurs in the shoulders and cervical spine region . They are so simple that you will find it hard to believe how effective they are in increasing your well-being and reducing the overload in the area. Let's do it!

take care of cervical

3 Stretches to take care of your cervical spine

You can do this standing up or, if you prefer, sitting with both feet flat on the floor, legs slightly apart and spine elongated. Look straight ahead and then rotate your head, looking as far to the right as possible . You can use both hands to help yourself, applying light pressure to your chin and the back of your head. You don't have to force the movement and it should not cause you pain or discomfort. Take a couple of deep breaths, return to the starting position and move to the other side. Do 4 repetitions on each side, holding for around 8 counts on each one.

Standing again, or sitting with your back stretched out and your gaze forward, interlace your hands and bring them behind your head above the nape of your neck. Apply light pressure, without forcing, directing your chin towards your chest. Do it slowly, paying attention to your breathing and being especially careful not to move your shoulders or hunch your spine. Hold for about 15 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat 4 times. It is very important that you pay attention to the correct positioning of your body and not move your torso, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effects.

Starting from the same standing or sitting position, look straight ahead and make sure to keep your shoulders square and away from your ears. Do not alter this position at any time so that the exercise is correct and brings the expected benefits. Bring your right hand over your head, resting your palm on the opposite ear, the left in this case . Then, push lightly, directing your right ear towards the same shoulder . It is common for it to move to the opposite shoulder, remember, pay attention to your posture! Hold the “pressure” for 8 seconds, return to the starting position, change hands and this time bring your right ear towards the same shoulder, helping yourself with your left hand. Perform 4 repetitions on each side.

You can do these simple stretches to take care of your neck throughout your work day, while watching television or at any time when you feel that stress is appearing. You will be able to calm down, release accumulated tension and prevent consequences that end up being very annoying.

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