Are you eating enough? Find out!

Apr 29, 2021AMIX STORE
¿Estás comiendo lo suficiente? ¡Descúbrelo!

Wanting to improve and committing to a healthy lifestyle is always an excellent idea. Likewise, setting goals and staying motivated along the way is essential. However, there are people who, with this goal in mind, make decisions that are not always correct. And if we apply certain drastic changes to our diet without having sufficient information or study, we can make certain mistakes. Are you eating enough? We give you some clues that could indicate otherwise! Take note!

Ensuring that we have an optimal diet that allows us to feel full, energetic and motivated is very important. Nutrition plays an essential role in a fit lifestyle and good health. We cannot ask our body to perform and meet our demands if, later on, we are not going to take care of it and keep it looked after. In this sense, having a nutrition professional whenever we have doubts or want to achieve a specific goal will be an investment for life. Not only will we obtain the necessary guidelines, but we will also learn something new every day.

If you think you might not be eating enough, we invite you to reflect on this and check yourself. To help you, we share with you some clues that could indicate that you probably need to eat more. However, changes in diet should always be treated in a personalized and supervised manner, never generalize or take as your own recommendations made to other people.

Signs that you might not be eating enough

  1. Fatigue, tiredness, irritability, apathy, anger, susceptibility…
  2. Easy to get injured.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies.
  4. Difficulty falling asleep.
  5. Lack of concentration.
  6. Worse physical and intellectual performance.
  7. Excessive hair loss.
  8. Sudden, uncontrollable cravings.
  9. Complications in achieving physical goals, including weight loss.
  10. Digestive problems.
  11. Changes in the menstrual cycle.
  12. Lack of energy.

If you identify with one or more of these symptoms, you may need to reconsider a change in your diet so that it works for you. If your problem is, for example, that you don't get the amount of protein you need, we recommend the AMIX™ protein powder option. Remember: not even those people who follow a strict diet, with a few exceptions, should feel hungry, bored, or dissatisfied with what they eat. And of course, under no circumstances will stopping eating or eating less help you achieve your goals, or lose weight. Therefore, value your body, take care of it, and give it the fuel it needs to take you anywhere. If, on the other hand, you find it difficult to get the necessary amount of carbohydrates, you have the option of energy bars .

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