Caffeinated drinks: benefits for training

Jul 08, 2024AMIX STORE
bebida con cafeína

The caffeinated sports drink can be taken before, after and during training to achieve improvements in sports performance and recovery . Find out how it can help you and assess whether it is the support you need for your training.

Choose a good caffeine supplement from the online sports nutrition store at and pay attention to the recommended dosage to get the best result.

Benefits of a caffeinated drink during training

The benefits are diverse and differ depending on when it is taken. If you are looking for better recovery, it is ideal post-workout . In the case of training benefits, the caffeine drink should be taken before starting to exercise . Only in very long training sessions, such as in the case of cycling training, it makes sense for it to also be a drink to be taken during training.

cell up caffeine

Improve endurance and delay the onset of fatigue by taking a caffeine drink before training

The onset of fatigue is one of the reasons why sports performance decreases, especially during long and demanding workouts. By taking a pre-workout caffeinated drink, the onset of fatigue and tiredness will be delayed. You will find that exercising is easier and more bearable, so you will exercise intensely for longer, maintaining your mood and motivation.

In addition, it will help you improve speed and endurance .

Caffeine reduces the sensation of pain and makes exercise easier

Discomfort and pain are the main reasons for abandoning training. Reducing the feeling of discomfort or pain that high-intensity exercise generates will help you continue. Drinking a caffeinated beverage before training will allow you to avoid the discomfort that comes with a very demanding workout .

However, you should not confuse it with the pain of an injury. If you think you have an injury or are experiencing acute or intense pain, stop training and consult a specialist to prevent it from getting worse.

Generation of endorphins and energy for training

Drinking a caffeine-filled beverage before training allows the body to produce a greater amount of endorphins during the workout. Endorphins improve the body's feeling of well-being, contributing to good concentration and maintaining a high mood while exercising.

Replenishment of glycogen stores

Taking a caffeine drink as part of a pre-workout shake combined with a carbohydrate source helps to quickly and effectively replenish the body's glycogen reserves at the end of the workout. This way, you'll be able to endure a demanding workout with the energy you need to get through the end.

More muscle contractions and power when taking caffeine before training

Muscle contractions are the basis of movement . Pre-workout caffeine helps improve muscle contractions when exercising by acting on the nervous system. It also provides an improvement in muscle power . All of this has a positive influence on sports performance.

It is important to note that caffeine allows for more efficient and powerful movements. And that is key to achieving superior performance in many exercises and sports disciplines.

Improves alertness

One of the best-known benefits of caffeine is that it improves the body's attention and alertness . In some sports disciplines, this benefit of caffeinated drinks is especially important for achieving better performance by being more receptive to the actions and movements that occur around you. For example, in ball sports.

Accelerates and facilitates muscle recovery

Among the benefits of caffeine drinks for athletes is its ability to facilitate and accelerate recovery after training. This is possible because caffeine helps reduce stress on muscles and joints, thereby reducing lactate and cortisol levels , and therefore recovery takes place sooner and more effectively.

So, taking caffeine before and after training helps you recover, which in turn is key to sports performance and injury prevention.

caffeinated drink

Amix™ CellUp® ENERGY Drink is a food supplement in the form of a pre-workout energy drink.

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