How to take creatine correctly? 5 tips

Jan 17, 2024AMIX STORE
¿Cómo tomar creatina correctamente? 5 consejos

Do you know how to take creatine correctly? Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements and with the most scientific evidence about its effectiveness , but curiously it is also one of those that raises the most doubts about its use. With these tips it will be very easy for you to take the dose you need in the right way and remember, you can find creatine supplements at .


How to take creatine correctly:

1 – Taking the correct dose of creatine is key to its effectiveness

In any supplementation, determining and taking the correct dose is important. In the case of creatine, it is especially important, because the amount that is not absorbed by your body overloads the kidneys and is eliminated through urine . So, taking more does not make any sense, but if you take less than the correct dose, you will not be getting all the potential benefits that it can bring you.

According to experts, an athlete needs between 0.07 and 0.08 grams of creatine per kilogram of body weight on a normal training day. If you have the help of a nutritionist at your gym or team, they can help you calculate the appropriate amount for each day. It is also recommended to take it on rest days.

However, take your diet into account when determining the right creatine dosage. In food, creatine is found mainly in meat and fish , although not in the amount that a high-performance athlete needs. Therefore, if you follow a vegan diet, you will need more creatine than if your diet is rich in animal products. In this case, do not hesitate to choose the higher range per kilo of body weight.

2 – Choose the right type of creatine

There are several types of creatine: creapure monohydrate, HCI, Kre-alkaline… and choosing the right one is key. Evaluate your goals and the benefits that each one brings you, so you can determine which one is right for you.

3 – Take creatine at the right time to get the most benefits

Another of the big questions about how to take creatine correctly is when to do it. The truth is that the ideal is to spread it out in several doses throughout the day, up to a maximum of four. These include the pre-workout dose and the post-workout dose.

Creatine takes 30 to 60 minutes to be absorbed by the body. Therefore, when taking it before training, it is best to do so this time before the start of the session. This way it will be more effective while you exercise.

But it is also good for replenishing the lost energy after training. There are several studies that claim that it is better digested if consumed with proteins or with proteins and carbohydrates, so you can take it with your post-workout shake.



4 – Dilute the creatine well before taking it

Generally, the correct way to take creatine is to dilute it in water , although you can also take it in juice . Check the amount of liquid for the dose you need on the manufacturer's label.

It is true that some creatines dissolve more easily than others, and the temperature of the water also has an influence. For example, creatine monohydrate dissolves more easily in hot drinks than in cold ones. But sometimes you may not feel like drinking it hot or you may not have hot water to mix it with. In these cases, micronized creatine dissolves more easily.

5 – Respect the rest phases of creatine intake

Creatine should be part of the athlete's regular diet. Creatine supplements have been shown to be safe, taken consistently even for 5 years or more in a row, but the same load is not always necessary.

A good option is to take creatine in phases or cycles . The most well-known one consists of 12 weeks of daily intake, followed by two weeks of rest. Another option that has many supporters is the one that recommends six weeks of intake and three weeks of rest.

In reality, each athlete has different needs, so if you train in a gym or have the help of a trainer or nutritionist, it is best to consult with them on how to take creatine correctly in your particular case. This way you can adapt the cycle to your training and competition schedule .

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